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  1. rockyptjoe

    Swine Flu looks like the shooting has started....see the other thread on the shooting Sunday evening on Benito Juarez & Calle 13 by the bank.........hopefully this was an isolated incident!!!
  2. rockyptjoe


    That sounds like an "old" story....around spring break time....I had heard about it then. I was surprised to see the face of the customs agent (one that I recognize....) since years ago, when we had gone down to RP with a camcorder, and were filming all the way to the border, the female agent...
  3. rockyptjoe


    Was the 4th victim (the 18 yr. old girl) really an innocent bystander...or was she out of the vehicle hitting the ATM at the bank?
  4. rockyptjoe

    Crossing 4-27

    I hit the border about 4:30pm and it took over 45 minutes....from about 100 yards on the other side of the Tourist booth....I had a BIG Indian personality....he let one of the vehicles in front of me wait almost 5 minutes before waving them up from the stop sign....(was starting to...
  5. rockyptjoe


    From what I heard, it was the intersection with the overpass....right outside the bank on the corner (Benito Juarez & Calle 13). The town was pretty "dead" was the Mirador, at the time.
  6. rockyptjoe

    Toby Owner of Camel Toe

    A bar.....don't expect it to re-open....
  7. rockyptjoe


    This will definitely put an additional damper on the economy of Puerto Penasco. The news traveled very fast locally. I was in a Mirador bar last night when the owner got a call about 10:30 pm from a friend about the hit, with the info that it involved "narcos".... I wonder how long before it...
  8. rockyptjoe

    Sting Ray protection?

    The only "protection" I know of is to do the "stingray shuffle"....drag your feet in the saned when you're walking. I've seen rays from about a few inches across to about a foot and a half.....the big ones many years ago on sandy beach. Edit: My daughter and I have been out at Cholla Bay...
  9. rockyptjoe

    Toby Owner of Camel Toe

    The word floating around town is that he died of a drug overdose....whether it was intentional or accidental....who knows!
  10. rockyptjoe

    Swine Flu

    If that wasn't enough, I'm sitting in one of the watering holes on the Mirador Sunday evening when I hear of 2 separate shootings in town......can anyone verify this?????....and I'm not one of the harbingers of doom in Rocky Point!!!1
  11. rockyptjoe

    Beach Bash 2009!!

    Hey...if I bring a case of beer, can I join you on your porch?? :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
  12. rockyptjoe

    Semana Santa Report

    I've been down there a couple of years to see the celebration (missed it this year). Bands from all over Mexico....with their tour buses!
  13. rockyptjoe


    Re: Jessica....RIP Also heard that from a very good source.....happened Thursday night. Very sad....but she was a very heavy drinker.......need I say more? Must have been a hellacious accident with the distances she had to drive between the bars and her house. I feel for her 2 kids.
  14. rockyptjoe

    Border Work

    That means the work will go on until June!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. rockyptjoe

    Telcel wireless 3G internet card

    What did you have to do to get the 3G card....deposits?, etc. Is it USB?
  16. rockyptjoe

    La Curva

    Looks like Sub's OP has become a collection of reviews on the that light..... I agree on the comments about La Curva.....more americanized than mexican food....but it's always been excellent. Don't know if they still do...but used to get the American tour bus with the...
  17. rockyptjoe

    Should Bill Hale change his song

    Adding more fuel to the fire....I can't find any "Member" listed with the "name"....HAPPY.....only a "Member" with the "name"....SALLY..........and Bill Hale registered on this site before "SALLY".... So....what is the significance of that??????????? Who knows.....who cares!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. rockyptjoe

    Telcel 3g wireless internet

    Spoke to the owner of the rv park I'm in, and she pays 384 pesos/month for a phone line and internet at her home!!!! That's less then $30 USD at the current rate of exchange........ Sounds like I'm going to have to check into that. A friend in my park already has a phone line....just may...
  19. rockyptjoe

    Things are getting out of hand....

    Gosh darn....didn't check the Forum for a few days, and I missed all the excitement!!