A big point has not been adressed here. Put the fear of God and police into these undocumented and crime will run rampant.
There are classes of people who prey on the weak and when the weak will not call the law for help out of fear of being deported they will be victimized. Happens quite often...
Since I didn't get to fish this last week end I've been checking out all sites for next trip. Check this out.
Hey Russ, everybody on this forum is a regular of RP and doesn't want this sh-- happening but the facts are facts. Congrats on your 4 years in RP, I celebrated being a 4 year every weekender 20+ years ago. What does that have to do with Mark being set up. You are right about calle trece it has...
The going rate is 20 thousand bahia and I've crossed frequently in upscale vehicles for years without one full search. Careful Bahia. Who you know, might not like you announcing it.
Rhino, wake up! The narcos are not in the closet anymore. Be More careful than before but not paranoid. We used to walk the streets 24/7, sadly, not anymore. I don't give a rat's behind about the trucks, its the stray bullet that's bound to come.
I thought I'd never say this but Penasco is getting a bit dangerous. Without saying things in public that I shouldn't, I feel we need to be more careful in RP. Tourism is sure to take another blow but that's the price we are going to pay for sure.
This unfortunate stopping of vehicles is to stem the flow of money and firearms to Mexico. Unfortunite because it has been very successful so expect them to be there a very long time. I just say "no extra money and no guns" and they wave me right through. They are also asking Mexicans for border...