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  1. Stuart

    Where to eat at Puerto Penasco... Mary's, The Friendly Dolphin, Citron

    Tourist. Hahahaha! I'm kidding with ya. We'll have to differ on our opinons of the Unfriendly Dolphin. I spent a year there one night waiting for dinner that was anything but special. However, a lot of gringos like the place, so different strokes for different folks. Have never tried...
  2. Stuart

    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    Nothing. But, chances are they're not going to do that. They just want the vehicle. Also, I wasn't suggesting you stand there and hand them the keys. Just stop, leave the vehicle running, and take off into the desert a short ways. They aren't going to waste time tracking you down.
  3. Stuart

    Diesel prices

    That 7.9 pesos per liter price is what I paid last trip. I doubt it has changed much, if any. I was checking diesel prices in Tempe yesterday - $2.75 was the cheapest I saw; most everyone else was $2.79 or higher. I generally fill up in Sonoita before crossing the border back into the U.S. I can...
  4. Stuart

    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    There's still some important information missing from these reports, mainly the type of vehicles involved. Why does that matter, you ask? Because the type of vehicle "D" was driving was a large crew cab 4-wheel drive truck. The type of vehicle the other "British" folks were driving was also a...
  5. Stuart

    Tuna News

    Sorta like catchin' 200 lb. totuava, eh Kenny? ;) I had read that Mitsubushi is investing in bluefin tuna and cryovac deep-freezing them. Once the Japanese have eaten everything in the wild, they plan on breaking out the frozen ones and selling them for $$$$ profit.
  6. Stuart

    New Forum Issues

    Y'all can email me anytime you have a forum problem and can't get in. I have an email address specifically for the forum - [email protected] I don't monitor it 24/7, but I do check it regularly. Might want to add it to your contact list.
  7. Stuart

    Tuna News

    Most important point in that article was not the price of the fish, but the following -- The down economy translates to less Japanese eating tuna. That means a better chance of recovery for this fish that the Japanese have literally "eaten to extinction." The Japanese consume 80% of the bluefin...
  8. Stuart

    New Forum Issues

    :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:Right on, pie boy!
  9. Stuart

    Important information about Mexico

    :rofl:That's funny... I take my red underwear OFF to find love!!
  10. Stuart

    Happy New Year, everyone!

    Happy New Year to all mi amigos and amigas!
  11. Stuart

    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    Not trying to take issue with you Russ, but since you asked - THE AMERICAN MEDIA THRIVES ON THIS STUFF!! They are all about trying to convince us how unsafe it is to travel to Mexico! Not a day goes by I don't read a story about another narco murder in Mexico. Or the drug war in Mexico. Or how...
  12. Stuart

    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    Damned if you do and damned if you don't, eh? I do understand the need. It's a little easier to tell unmarked police here in the US. They generally have flashing lights installed somewhere permanent, like in the grill. Also, the headlights also flash alternately between left and right. And 95%...
  13. Stuart

    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    Agreed. I have seen, on at least two recent occasions, an unmarked, new F150 pickup pulling over vehicles south of Sonoita. It had no police markings whatsoever, other than flashing blue/red lights on the dashboard. It pulled up behind me one trip, then quickly went around me and pulled over the...
  14. Stuart

    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    Not so. I believe everybody has a right to know ASAP. I post any information I obtain that appears to be from a legitimate source. If this was one of those "happened to a friend of friend's uncle" things, then I totally agree with you; it's not worth even mentioning. Unfortunately, this incident...
  15. Stuart

    Looking for weather/water charts

    Inka, you need to get back on your meds. Geez... Historic information is a lot different than current or predicted information. Buoyweather is a prediction. Us fisherfolk want to know what it's going to be like when we head out - calm seas or 25 knot winds and 6 ft. seas. We couldn't care a...
  16. Stuart

    Crossing 12/30, w/ expired/no passports

    I can see that happening. I bring my boat back and forth a lot. And they always inspect it. Have even X-rayed it a time or two. Never been handcuffed, though, while they went through the boat. Usually, they just ask about what I do for a living and how I can afford such a nice boat!
  17. Stuart

    Car Jacking - 12/26/09

    This email was forwarded to me from a forum member. As best I can tell, it's perfectly legit, although I haven't been in Penasco to verify any of this. I'm posting it to let everyone know to stay alert. I know I often travel after dark at this time of year due to the short days. I'm usually...
  18. Stuart

    Gone Fishin'

    We got into some 35+ lbs. ones this summer while fishing for grouper. They fight so hard, we thought we had grouper on... until we got them to the surface. Pretty interesting thing about the totuava - they school up with fish their own size. If you hit a school of 10 pounders, they'll all be...
  19. Stuart

    Gone Fishin'

    For an endangered species, there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of them around this year. I've heard mumblings that they are going to allow them to be caught and kept again in the near future, but haven't seen anything "official" on that.
  20. Stuart

    Merry Christmas, Everyone!

    Feliz Navidad, mi amigos!