Search results

  1. Stuart

    Mexican Moonshine

    $152 this morning. 1 day to go!
  2. Stuart


    Hmmmmm. I'm always suspicious of bots with 1st posts like that. Welcome... for now.
  3. Stuart

    New Mexican US Passport Rule ?

    Yeah, Mexico has such a HUGE immigration problem with illegal aliens on the northern border. (not) Southern border is a different story with Guatemalans, Hondurans, etc. all heading north for the US of A. I understand they actually have pretty tight enforcement there already. I can...
  4. Stuart

    fishing 2-20 and 2-21

    No fishing for me until after the daughter gets married on the 27th. By then, I'll desperately NEED a trip!
  5. Stuart

    Dirty Hippies 1 Japan 0

    The score is more like Dirty Hippies 1 - Japanese 1, Jerry. The Japanese rammed and sunk one of the Sea Sheperd ships last month, the Ady Gil. This ongoing battle has been documented on the show "Whale Wars." I watched most of it last season. The Japanese, under the pretense of "research," hunt...
  6. Stuart

    Mexican Moonshine

    At $103.50 as of this morning, still 5 days to go! Gooooo Mexican Moonshine!
  7. Stuart

    Disappointing "Young Tequila" from Tequila Factory

    I've even had top-shelf vodka get a little slushy in the freezer. Never froze solid, but some definite slush. Unless you're drinking 100 proof stuff, anything that's 38-40 proof is likely to get a little slushy when left in the freezer for a long time.
  8. Stuart

    Sonoran Desert Tours

    Pincante I've always wanted to go back there with my Nikon, but never seem to find the time. One of these trips! Oh, Ms. Sheryl... you garnish a stingray sandwich with lots of fresh totuava!:rofl:
  9. Stuart

    Mexican Moonshine

    Bids 7 bids, currently @ $61 in less than a day. Maybe I'll keep it another 10 years and use it for my retirement!
  10. Stuart

    Mexican Moonshine

    Ha! That's cause you ain't got no Mexican in ya, Bahia! <kidding> Last bottle of this sold on E-Bay that I could find sold for like $380 in 2007. Of course, given the current state of our economy, people have more pressing things to spend their money on at the moment, like their mortgage...
  11. Stuart

    Mexican Moonshine

    I had mentioned this tequila in other threads - an original, unopened bottle of Roger Clyne's Mexican Moonshine. I decided to post it on E-Bay to see how much it would bring. You can watch the item (and/or bid, if so desired). Auction runs for 7 days and I have a reserve on it. Let's see...
  12. Stuart

    Captain Phil Harris Passes,

    Wow. Very sad to hear that. He knew he was living on borrowed time, he had some close ones on the show, but still kept at it. I bow my head with the deepest respect.
  13. Stuart

    Need Tequila

    They used to sell that shirt everywhere in Rocky Point, probably still do. "One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor!" That, and the shirt about the Stages of Tequila Drinking - Good Looking, Superman, Bullet Proof, etc. Yes, I actually owned one of those shirts! And oh... my barrel of...
  14. Stuart

    Fishing on the 6th

    Good meeting you, Robert! You will become an addict like the rest of us! I avoid sloppy days. Maybe because I'm getting older and lazier. Or wiser? Generally, if it's really sloppy close in, it's going to be 2 to 3 times that once you head further out. You don't always get a good sense of...
  15. Stuart

    Need Tequila

    Don't kid yourself. Okay, for drinking, you're right. I'm not a flavored tequila drinker at all. But for *cooking*, you cannot beat the almond-flavored tequila. A splash of that when cooking fish gives it a great flavor. I've tried it on shrimp, too, and it gives a great flavor. Maybe not for...
  16. Stuart

    Where to buy a house in Arizona- possibly in the mountains, close to the border

    You could also consider Sierra Vista, Whetstone, and the Patagonia area. High chaparral country. Grapevines and winerys in Patagonia. Not as hot in the summertime. Nice open country. Southeast of Tucson.
  17. Stuart

    spring breaks - what weeks?

    Easter is Spring Break for Mexicans! Don't get too ahead of yourself there , Joe. Semana Santa is a huge Mexican holiday and everybody seems to head to the beach. Rocky Point, as well as San Carlos and other beach towns are likely to be extremely busy that weekend - as busy or busier than...
  18. Stuart

    Any boats for sale in RP?

    It's only got a 190 hours because I *never* see 3rdStrike on the water these days! Excellent boat, great price if you're looking for one.
  19. Stuart

    Fishing on the 6th

    The fog was eerie. I told my fishing buddy Mark - "We'll pop out the other side in a few minutes and it will be sunny and not a cloud in the sky." Sure enough, it was true. Our day was similar - one 65 lb. black, a nice red snapper, some gold-spots. Had a white seabass on at the 43, but he...
  20. Stuart

    From the friendly folks at Las Palomas via craigslist

    You *must* conform... you will be assimiliated....