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  1. rockyptjoe

    What to do when in RP ?!

    I'll be down Thurs. thru either Sun. or Mon......shooting (photos) Rick Busa's baseball clinic for the Penasco kids....getting my friend's hot water heater replaced....other then that...just chillin' on the beach and exercising my elbow.....:coldone::cheers:
  2. rockyptjoe

    Thanksgiving weekend roll call - Nov 25, 2010

    Yeah...I could test out my anti-narco diesel fuel squirt gun!!!:moon::rofl: Would have to kidnap Mark as the guide....
  3. rockyptjoe

    Penasco in the Big Leagues (MLB, that is....)

    Time: Friday, November 12 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm Location: City Baseball Stadium Contact: Rick Busa!/rick.busa Penasco in the Big Leagues. The fun begins at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, November 12th with a Press Party at the Boo Bar. This is...
  4. rockyptjoe

    HELP ME I AM SINKING Bad blader weld on my Pontoon it vinyl or a pvc/hypalon material? Usually those repairs kits are useless for seams. The only suggestion I could make is to check with one of the banana boat operators to see what they use for repairs...annd where they get the repairs done. I'm sure that they get tears, etc...
  5. rockyptjoe

    Thanksgiving weekend roll call - Nov 25, 2010

    Day Trip to Puerto Lobos???? I was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a day trip down to Puerto Lobos? We could do it either Friday or Saturday, depending on which day the boat trip to Bird Island down and maybe do some snorkeling/exploring down there.
  6. rockyptjoe

    From what I'm Hearing... Motorcycle Rally a Bust

    Those sound like great niumbers, if true....considering someone screwed up scheduling it this weekend, and not next!!!
  7. rockyptjoe

    ROBBED while we were 10 feet away in our bed...

    I just find it "funny" that he has been posting on here...but won't answer a simple question.....:hairout::aagh: Speaking of sinus problems...I did get an attack this week....but my nasal spray seems to be helping....haven't had to hit the antibiotics...yet! And Kenny, I have never had a...
  8. rockyptjoe

    ROBBED while we were 10 feet away in our bed...

    Question for makettle How about answering my question.....are you and LK&CC the same person?????
  9. rockyptjoe

    ROBBED while we were 10 feet away in our bed...

    Stuart....we need a new smiley.... a looney.....
  10. rockyptjoe

    Mayan Palace

    I don't know what the Mayan charges for the massage...but you would be surprised (actually shocked) what they pay the therapists!!!! I know a couple who used to work there.....
  11. rockyptjoe

    Who can tell me why...

    The typical American families...."Leave it to Beaver" and "Father Knows Best".....................
  12. rockyptjoe

    English language talk radio in RP

    You know darn well if they have a "call-in" it will become a bitching session....with the age group of many of the gringo residents of Penasco....:moon::stir:
  13. rockyptjoe

    I know it's been covered but:

    I've always been "behind the times" Stuart.... Will have to try your medication of choice if/when mine stops working (augmentin).
  14. rockyptjoe

    I know it's been covered but:

    That's the requires a prescription! I occasionally get bad sinus attacks.....I've been prescribed a specific antibiotic when I do.... To get the prescription, I have to make an appointment to see the doctor....usually a couple of days later, during which time I will suffer with...
  15. rockyptjoe

    I know it's been covered but:

    I guess I better pick up some more antibiotics the next trip down....the stuff I get is not the common stuff (like pencillin/amoxicillin) hopefully they'll still have some from the old stock. There is always the Sante Fe Clinic....used to be able to get a prescription for about $25.....
  16. rockyptjoe

    ROBBED while we were 10 feet away in our bed...

    This thread is so are you saying you "carry" while in Mexico? Are you a Mexican citizen? never did answer if you and LK&CC are one and the same????
  17. rockyptjoe

    I know it's been covered but:

    Sent you a PM
  18. rockyptjoe

    I know it's been covered but:

    Jerry....there has been a change in the law in Mexico...many of the drugs (antibiotics, etc.) that you were able to buy over the counter without a prescription now require a prescription....BUT....I was still able to buy stuff last trip down without one (I guess the pharmacies aren't following...
  19. rockyptjoe

    More beautiful sunsets

    Very nice....
  20. rockyptjoe

    Mayan Palace

    I've been to the Mayan several times...but never subjected myself to the sales pitch....been there, done that several times in Flagstaff, Las Vegas, and back east.....I'm not a total masochist! I also don't see the point of vacationing there.....insulated from the rest of Penasco like the...