Search results

  1. mondone

    Chef Mickey's was FANTASTIC

    It is in the rear of Plaza del Sol on Fremont's north side about 3 blocks east of Don Julio's.
  2. mondone

    I want a red one!

    Amphibious Vehicles - Amphibious ARGO ATV, ARGO AATV, ARGO All Terrain Vehicle
  3. mondone

    For sale: 2002 Zodiac 12 foot Yachtline Projet 350 Model RIB

    I'll have to take a look when I'm down in Encanto next weekend.
  4. mondone

    *BORDER INCIDENT* Can the CBP KEEP you from crossing INTO Mexico WITHOUT a Passport?

    3 visits ago yes, but the last 2 times they haven't asked a thing, just waved me right through.
  5. mondone

    Great Weekend, Horrific Ending

    Never thought to do this before, but here's how Mapquest see's it: I-8 W 54 mins / 54.12 miles W Maricopa Rd 55 mins / 42.49 miles And that doesn't take into consideration that the I-8 route skirts Gila Bend to the south right to 85S.
  6. mondone

    Great Weekend, Horrific Ending

    Thanks to you Stuart for your quick action. Hopefully he will pull through. I usually also use the 238 coming from Ahwatukee and must say it's not my favorite part of the trip. It sure beats having to go down to the I-8 and its a lot flatter to. I most often leave pre-dawn when I head out to RP...
  7. mondone

    AC wanted, mini split, 18,000.. HEAT & COOL... SEER

    Back in March, I purchased 2 Mirage Flex 1 ton mini-splits @ 3,238.73 pesos each and 2 Mirage Flex 2 ton mini-splits @ 6,036.04 pesos each at Muebles Coloniales.
  8. mondone

    Interesting Crossing

    Not the first time, and unfortunately not the last.............:popcorn:
  9. mondone

    Encanto Internet Services

    Gup, Is Zavier saying his new service will be faster than SNPP?
  10. mondone

    Encanto Internet Services

    I had planned to run a speedtest the next time down there. I brought the MJ plus back with me and used through my Cox connection and it worked fine.
  11. mondone


    Not the company, but I found a few discussions about the product through Google.
  12. mondone


    I won't be able to use it as it is not sold "retail", only available through qualified contractors as it's a multi-step process. Tex-Cote won't trust DIY's I guess. I was thinking of going to DE as I have their paint on my Phoenix home and it's great. No one should ever use elastomeric paints on...
  13. mondone

    Encanto Internet Services

    Is Vonage better than Magic Jack Plus? I just signed up with SNPP, but I am less than thrilled with the Magic Jack Plus call quality. I have not had 1 call yet where it did not go garbled at times. :hairout:
  14. mondone


    I got the feeling that this is not a product for retail sale and a product that is sold only to qualified appliers but I could be wrong. I'm actually more enticed by it's claims of durability more so than energy savings. Not having to paint a beachfront home again or as often is my goal. thanks.
  15. mondone


    Has anyone tried this product as an alternative to exterior paint? Is there anyone in RP that applies it? COOLWALL® by TEX•COTE™ Energy Saving Exterior Wall Coatings
  16. mondone


    Ole Rick wasn't on today(probably spending Easter weekend on his boat in SD), but they did do a report from Sky Harbor about how Mexico is the #1 tourist destination for Americans with Cancun the top spot. Diane Ryan interviewed a few people there and all said they had no reservations about...
  17. mondone

    Easter Dinner 2012

    Have been to Mary's numerous times in the past and enjoyed the tin foil soup a time or two.
  18. mondone

    Easter Dinner 2012

    Could be, but still not the usual choice for us. Just may give it a try though. We actually went to Mare Blu Bistro a couple months ago and did not find it all that good and very over-priced for RP.
  19. mondone

    Easter Dinner 2012

    Does sound good, but the problem is the wife and I are both Italian, so Italian restaurants are not the type of dining place we frequent much, we make everything Italian at home with our family recipes!
  20. mondone

    Easter Dinner 2012

    We are heading to the casa for Easter weekend. This will be the first Easter for us spending it in PP. Does anyone have a good restaurant suggestion for Easter dinner in town? Anything special going on?