This turned out as a wonderful, fun evening and a very successful fund raising to boot. Mark and Adolfo, GREAT JOB!
PS: Adolfo, any time you need me to man the helm again, don't hesitate to give me a ring! :rofl:
As much as I am glad to see them for the most part, making us feel safer, it has crossed my mind more than once going through them that one of these "kids" with the automatic weapons may get a bit "ansy" and an unfortunate incident might occur.
So now we are going to compare 1 individual psycho with a .45 caliber pistol to thousands of sick cartel members with auto matic weapons? Come on people, this is getting ridiculous. Let's not bring every example of a shooting by an individual in the US and attempt to compare it to the civil war...
whoa, easy there mis2810, I meant to say tell touristjack come on down. this thread is making me dizzy with BS. I am on your side for Gods sake, I own a house in RP.