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  1. Seadweller


    and you can kill roaches in any corner from 5 feet away...
  2. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs surgery....

    OK... Harold and I talked it over and we got it worked out... If you would like to make a sizable donation and would like to use it as a charitable deduction toward your taxes we are able to apply your donation to a 501c3 (nonprofit organization)... Please contact me through the Send me a...
  3. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    thank you Tomcat... you're right "every little bit helps"
  4. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    Ooooops sorry I got the names mixed up and was calling Jimena the baby, "Maria"... Thanks Joe...
  5. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    As it looks now we will be needing to raise more money to help out with the costs of regaining Marias hearing... The doctor said that there is a very good chance of her being able to hear and lead a normal life like any other child but it will take some work... Maria has nerves that aren't...
  6. Seadweller

    Fin Whales Jan. 26, 2011

    Yes Joe that was with the new camera but I didn't shoot it in HD because I wanted to be sure I could be able to veiw it on my computer... still having problems with editting HD on my machine (need 2 gigs of ram) Dan I totally agree with you... I'm so happy that I live next to the aquarium to...
  7. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    Just received a phone call from Bill... they are on their way home from the doctors appointment in San Luis... the diagnosis wasn't good, the baby needs to have operations... Bill said they are going to stop and see Blanca so work can get started on getting the little girl to Manos de Ayuda...
  8. Seadweller

    Roger Clyne and The Peace Makers

    Leaky Little Boat January Jam 2011 HD Here's one of my favorites...
  9. Seadweller

    Fin Whales Jan. 26, 2011 Fin Whales a.k.a. Finback Whales in the Sea of Cortez Rocky Point Puerto Penasco, Mexico... Fin Whales are the second largest creature on this planet next to the Blue whale... they can reach the length of 70 feet and weight of 70,000 pounds at...
  10. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    Thanks LJ... at the moment we just need to wait and see what her diagnosis will be, then we can find out if we can get it taken care of by Manos de Ayuda...
  11. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    Bill (lagrimas85) stopped by this morning for the money we raised ($325.00) and they left for San Luis this afternoon... just before he came to my house Bill talked with Blanca from La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida, she had set things up for them to get a discounted price from the doctor who is...
  12. Seadweller

    My beloved forum friends

    Hey Chari... Barb and I will be thinking of and saying a prayer for you... Get well and hurry back down here...
  13. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    Blanca stopped by for a visit yesterday and told me all about it... She also mentioned that she knows someone that sells hearing aids ($15,000. pesos) but she may be able to get a better price on them if that is what is needed... We have raised $325.00 US dollars so far so with the exchange...
  14. Seadweller

    Child with hearing loss needs diagnosis...

    Bill... it was great seeing all of you and the baby at the center on Saturday... Thanks for all your help...
  15. Seadweller

    40 Computers

    She may have been away for the holidays... another friend contacted her last week... Barb will give her a call in just a few and get back to you...
  16. Seadweller

    40 Computers

    Rob... they are in Phoenix, Barb will get the exact location to you.... and we have two of them I need to unload from our trunk so there are only 38 left...
  17. Seadweller

    40 Computers

    Happy New Year Everyone... I've been AWOL from the forum for a while been working with my friend from KUCI... We have recently been blessed with a fantastic donation of 40 computers for the schools and community center... but as always we are in need of assistance with transporting them to...
  18. Seadweller

    Report from Dec. 5, 2010

    pretty far... maybe about 30 miles
  19. Seadweller

    Report from Dec. 5, 2010

    That thing had us all excited until it came up... then we didn't even want to get it on the boat... the capt. and deck hand wanted to keep it, but we set it free... it did give one hell of a fight...
  20. Seadweller

    Feliz Christmas and Happy Agno nuevo

    Wishing a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year to All...