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  1. tyler

    How to upload pictures

    Those are some big fishies! :o
  2. tyler

    Las Palomas '07

    July '07
  3. tyler

    How to upload pictures

    To upload pictures to your post: If this is a brand new thread, there will be a box that says 'Manage Attachments' Click on it, select the file you want to show and click upload. If you are replying to a thread, you cannot upload pictures from the "Quick Reply" box on the bottom of...
  4. tyler ?

    There should be an edit button somewhere on your post you want to edit. Let me know if there's not. I forgot that Internet Explorer doesn't have spell check, I'm so used to using FireFox. I'll see if there's something we can build into the forum.
  5. tyler ?

    I added a few styles to the forum, so far I like AeroGreen the best. What do you guys like? To change your style yourself; ucp.php Click on 'Board Preferences' Choose 'My board style:' and change it. The nice thing is everyone can have their own, however I'd like to find one that...
  6. tyler ?

    Hola - What do people think about the "layout/colors" it was the default one that came with the forum software, I'm looking for something a little better, but I'm curious if it bugs anyone else. Suggestions?
  7. tyler

    Who's going down the weekend of 6/7?

    We are, but we're going with a group of co-workers of mine... Hopefully it's good weather! :D
  8. tyler ?

  9. tyler ?

    It seems that RockyPointOnline's forum is no longer around. Hopefully we can migrate everyone over to here for discussion instead.