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  1. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    They probably grind em into powder, add some lard and slather up butthurt bungholes with the stuff. We did a walkabout of Rodeo Drive last month and saw thousands of dried Sea Horses in almost every stall. They were priced pretty cheap like a buck for the big ones up to maybe four inches long...
  2. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    A little about fishing with nets around Puerto Penasco........ I'll not get in to the trawlers here as I've been over it plenty in previous posts. Depending on what type high profile collateral kill being discussed, Vaquitas, Totoabas, or Sea Turtles the comercial pangas boats are the worst...
  3. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Hola Miramar.............. I'm sure that the net removal in that article was only conducted in the so called "Protected Zone" north of Cholla Bay and on up to El Golfo. Anything goes out of Bahia San Jorge and on southwards. There are no restrictions or enforcement of any kind unless...
  4. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Sounds like a new mission for Seen-Yore-O-Bama....... JJ
  5. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Hey Jerry.................. Really glad your back, thought that you had retired to Edmonton or Red Deer. I'm sure that you have seen that this forum has been infiltrated by some really low life infantile sewer mouthed midget minded jerks that spew not even one shred of subject matter related...
  6. Jungle Jim

    So what is Rocky Point anyway?

    It's where the desert meets the sea....... Try perusing through many years of posts at: JJ
  7. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Thanks Shark.......... As for the collateral kill that was hopelessly doomed for only being guilty of venturing into those chicken wire traps, I must say I'm no snowflake-weenie type but I always feel sad then pissed when I see it. Those pangueros could easily free those unwanted animals but I...
  8. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Last month on Friday 29 November we had the most unusual pleasure to watch three Vaquitas, two adults and a juvenile less than three feet long playing in the surf less than 100 feet from shore. They were watching us as well! They followed us in our Wrangler and every time we stopped to...
  9. Jungle Jim

    Fishing Report - 12/10/2016

    Hey Kill, Ever read a book.........without cartoons? You dumb assed didler. Go back to the rat hole you hail from as we have no interest in your input here. JJ
  10. Jungle Jim


    There is no more space left in the septic tank!................ This website has become the proverbial Mexican non functioning toilet bowl. The stinking floaters won't go down the hole in the bowl and no matter how much muy sucio papel de caca you tossed into the poop paper can next to your...
  11. Jungle Jim

    Whale shark

    And................. I'm a member of "Dos Frios"???????????????? WTF does that supposed to mean? I thought I was in the Fishing Forum!! I've never even opened up anything on the Rants and Raves on this site, as they are mostly just stomping grounds for brain dead types that can't find a live...
  12. Jungle Jim

    Info on Texas gulf fishing

    Hey Beetle.......... Gulf? Gulf of California or Gulf of Mexico? A lot of coast line, towns and states for either option! Not to mention the closest salt water to Arlington is more than 300 miles. JJ
  13. Jungle Jim

    Fishfinder and basic Safety Gear

    SEA OF DEATH Big time shark finning operation in plain sight, Puerto Penasco, 29 Oct 2015........... Ran out of the harbor Saturday just before noon, sea glassy flat, sea temp 82*, air temp 92*, two trawlers anchored just out of the harbor entrance, put down two deep divers and made six close...
  14. Jungle Jim

    Fishfinder and basic Safety Gear

    Hey Jooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeee........... I'll give you a couple of tips on spots accessible by yer yak if yer interested in some close in cooler water action.... When the trawlers are out there anchored off of the harbor as they should be now, they become perfect Yellowtail habitat...
  15. Jungle Jim

    Fishfinder and basic Safety Gear

    Anyone doing any fish killing this weekend? Conditions are looking good with highs in the upper 80's, lows in the 70's and almost no wind. I'm loading up now for an early run to PP tomorrow. JJ