Did you see that Roger Clyne will be doing an accoustic show at Wrecked at the Reef on the friday night before the "January Jam"... and there will be a limited amount of tickets sold for this event as well....
Thank you Jack for being a part of us... and Thank You for your Spirit of Giving... your generosity was an enormous Help in making this a Merry Christmas for the Children at the community center... and while I'm Thanking you, I also want to Thank, Kea and BIG MAC who's Kind Hearts and donations...
If you go to the original Leys and you see Santa Claus... please have your childs or your photo taken with him... all the proceeds will go to La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida AC community center... I was originally asked to be Santa but felt my Espaniol wasn't good enough to ask children if they...
That was my dog... that video was from a few years back, when we used to get snow instead of all this rain down here.... (just kidding, it was my neighbors dog)
The Fiesta hasn't moved yet because they can't locate that band that played while out on the cruises... can't cruise without the tunes...
Also... Sherman has his new boat here... (this isn't comfirmed but I was told he was in Guymas picking up this boat when he was supposed to be here moving...
I've been using Casa Weez since they came on line... most of the other weather stations out there were reporting the weather from Yuma and saying it was Penasco...
Yes they can use another sewing machine... Thank You... I will send you a private message with contact info and directions to the community center and or our house or I can come to where you're staying and pick it up which ever will be easier for you...