Search results

  1. mondone

    Blacklisted Gas Stations

    I most always fuel up at the first Circle K Pemex in Sonoyta on the right before the bridge and/or the Las Conchas Pemex in RP. I keep computerized records of all my fuel costs, usage, and mileage in a car log program and never have I found a measurable difference in MPG.
  2. mondone

    Best place to buy 2x4's

    Just my two cents... I would do whatever possible to avoid using wood in my home. The termites in RP are voracious. It doesn't take long for them to find a new place to dine as they are a swarming, flying variety. I had a portion of my roof collapse last year from them dining on the supports.
  3. mondone

    Blacklisted Gas Stations

    Is there a story that goes with this database? How did they short customers, with rigged pumps or some other way?
  4. mondone

    Blacklisted Gas Stations

    On home PC, not on my phone. Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2
  5. mondone

    Blacklisted Gas Stations

    documentation on this????? Might help if we didn't have to play " What is the dog talking about?".
  6. mondone

    Beautiful Weather Wekend

    It's been jiving with Casa Weez site all morning.
  7. mondone

    Blacklisted Gas Stations

  8. mondone


    I purchase online, but for some reason the site has been down temporarily. Hopefully it will be back soon.
  9. mondone

    Mexican Politics

    PRI, welcome back.
  10. mondone

    Beautiful Weather Wekend

    Did the same in Phoenix the past two nights!
  11. mondone

    Best weather website?

    Not sure if they are registered on this forum but I pass by their casa frequently on my way to the oyster farm in Playa LaJolla. It's named Casa Weisner. Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2
  12. mondone

    Best weather website?

    Its always cooler out in our Encanto on the ocean than what is being reported in town. I think that town report is still sent from the original airport. Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2
  13. mondone

    Fun Fall FIESTA!

    CEDO and the Las Conchas Homeowners' Association cordially invite you to our 2013 Fall Fiesta! When: Saturday, November 9, 2013 - festivities begin at 5:00pm Where: CEDO Field Station - Edificio Agustín Cortés, Las Conchas Neighborhood, Puerto Peñasco, Sonora! What: Music, food, beverage...
  14. mondone

    Best weather website?

    This is the exact link for the current conditions for Casa Weez:
  15. mondone

    Is There a Jellyfish Season?

    Oh no, the urine myth is making a re-appearance. I posted this previously on the forum, maybe it's time for refresher: As a person who has had considerable training and internship in Poison Control Centers, I can tell you that there are no conclusive research studies that have proved that...
  16. mondone

    Recommendation for Birthday Cake? (Pasteleria)

    Never purchased any birthday cakes in RP yet, but I was in Sam's Club last week and they sure had some beautiful looking celebration cakes in there. No idea how they taste however.
  17. mondone

    Playa San Jorge?

    Yes it was. I'm not sure they left under "murky" circumstances. I took their Bird Island trip out of their compound out that way several years ago. It was my understanding in talking with the crew that day that they did gypsy moves every 10 years or so. Came from Alaska, stayed in RP several...
  18. mondone

    Best weather website?

    Casa Weez accurate and rarely down.
  19. mondone


    Talking strictly stuff still in the shell. :D
  20. mondone


    Just make sure you use sea water, as fresh water will kill them. BTW, regarding shellfish "season", there isn't one any longer. Many customers at my brothers restaurant will say “Can’t wait until the “r” months return….”, and he would correct them on that old rule of thumb by explaining that...