Putting anything on the ground for termites is a waste of time in Rocky Point, the termites are not the subterranean type, they are swarming type which means they get into your wood by air not by tunneling.
Not every one can do that if you are subject to random drug testing from your employer MJ. Hydrocodone and Oxycodone turning up in your sample will surely guarantee you walking papers.
Beachgirl, the sting rays and jellies have been crazy here in Encanto the past 2 weeks. We have had several people stung and having to go to the Red Cross clinic for treatment this week.
Drove by a crew of several guys yesterday about 5pm patching the potholes closer to town. Looks like they have started on that end and will be working their way East.
They can't fix that road fast enough. It's really becoming a very dangerous situation. Worse than ever. Been driving on the wrong side at many spots this week and not the safest but no choice.
You only legally must have liability insurance at a minimum to drive in Mexico. Some USA policies will extend your coverage up to 25 miles from the border into Mexico, but that will only cover your personal expenses and whatever vehicle coverages you carry for your vehicle.. Bottom line is it...