Search results

  1. Wood Spinner


    MEXICO JOE Very likely. The Jeep will be the first to go. DON That sounds great and we would be happy to go out with you and kick in on the gas. We are here about 3-4 weeks and go back to Casa Grande for about 5 days then back. Any time you are going to be down or think you will be drop...
  2. Wood Spinner


    Things are never for sure. The banker AKA Edna has approved the buy so it is time to firm up all that I need to configure it. Steering and motor controls etc. I will also be looking for a used , with warranty motor in the range of 40 to 60 4 stroke. Any body know where this may be available...
  3. Wood Spinner

    Peso/US dollar exchange rip off in RP restaurants.

    Don't question and tell them that you are paying in pesos. and like dry heat ask for a Spanish menu. I try to pay in pesos every where I can. This also makes you sure of what you are paying. But if you are in a primarily american owned place you will be paying in dollars. Kind of a catch 22...
  4. Wood Spinner

    Repeater or Booster?

    Have you tried asking them if you could wire direct to their system. All you need is a box to add a wire from them to you. The wire looks like a telephone wire. Very low cost way to get the best signal and computer security.
  5. Wood Spinner

    Fishing report Feb 7th.

    My Friend Stuart, LANGUAGE no no even by you Do not let yourself fall to their level of public speaking.
  6. Wood Spinner


    Well she did not say know until I had rely decided what I wanted. I told her I would sell the Jeep and till not a happy camper. So thanks to all comments and now I am looking to go out with anyone that will let me pay some of the expenses
  7. Wood Spinner

    Fishing report Feb 7th.

    The over take also bothers me. The limits are to low but there is a reasonable amount and that amount is up to you. The rely bad thing I see are the netters working the just off shore on the first reef. They take everything that get in the net AND MOST OF THESE ARE BABY FISH. No younger fish...
  8. Wood Spinner


    Stuart Good comment. Are they rely that bad at say 25 mph ? And yes the [price is in line with 3 different builders. One in Ensenada and two in Rocky Point. Equipesca is one that seams the most credible. They have a big fishing equipment store just before the marina launch area on the...
  9. Wood Spinner


    What do you think? I am looking at buying a new custom built ponga in Rocky Point. 21 ft long transom for two outboards, center consul any way I want it, my design on all adds I want. I need to poroivide outboards and eng controlls and guages, they will wire and install anything I want...
  10. Wood Spinner

    Kayak Launch Fail.

    Now that is a great price for this setup. For those who have never seen one in use you would be suprised how fast they are. As most of you know I fish off a 10 ft pontoon and will generally go off and leave the kyakers but not a hobie peddle. Great boat.
  11. Wood Spinner

    Inshore over the reef tips.

    Yes to all of the above. I am using the torpedo sinkers either drop shot or mid line with a 3 ft leader. I buy the torpedos with loops on each end. With each end you can remove a leader and replace the sinker in just a few seconds. Loop the sinker to the leader and then use a clip on the...
  12. Wood Spinner


    I have seen a old Sea Ray in town that is just sitting by a home. I looked at it and the glass looks fine but no engine. The way it is sitting and as long as it has been there I am wondering about the wood part of the frame. I think it would have to have the floor removed and set aside. Then...
  13. Wood Spinner

    Scuba Accident

    He needs to rember the old saying that states If you don't have anything nice to say just shut up and don't be an ass hole. Statemnents totally unjustified. May be "Happy' ?
  14. Wood Spinner

    Peso on the rise

    I use Bof A in the states and Santdar in Puerto Penasco. I got $ 14.10 a couple of days back in the ATM. Yes the Peso is falling against the dollar. This sure does make it tough on the local people. So close to the USA border means they have more adverse impact with the dollar.
  15. Wood Spinner

    Puerto Penasco Home Port

    We were out there on 12-6-14 and saw no new work or any trrucks etc. I sure hope the pier does make it. I fished on my jet ski off the jettie and caught nothing. May have been an off day for the area
  16. Wood Spinner

    Thanksgiving roll call

    Well it is all over but a few pounds to shed. This was again a great get together. Every one seemed to have a great time and a lot to eat. After the food had filled evertone the tequila appeard and was very good. Thank you all who particapaited in the prep for the party. the food and the...
  17. Wood Spinner

    Table Fare Thoughts on Inshore Fish

    Our preference is trigers and rock bass. Plus trigers fight like crazy and are so much fun to catch
  18. Wood Spinner


    I use anything that worksand that may chang as the day progresses. One thing that has had great results is the gulp alive salt Squid 3" in sugar and spice. The only problem with these is the trigers eat off the tenticals. When that happens I add a little green tail that is made for...
  19. Wood Spinner


    I have fished off and on for the last week or so and it is not to good. I have had a few nice Rock Bass and a few nice Trigers. Two good meals! The number of 6 inch size trigers is just wild. Go out and you should throw back 20 0r 30 in a few hours. Even though they are throw backs they are...
  20. Wood Spinner

    Coming down from Nebraska, looking to do some fishing 11/14 -11/16

    Remember the water gets deep closer in in Lobos. Shorter run time = more fishing time. Deeper water = bigger fish. SOMETIMES