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  1. Seadweller

    A few questions from a Noob

    Steve & Lulu...
  2. Seadweller

    Package and Grocery Service

    That's OK... I made my Chipotle Mango Chicken Breast tonight so I've had my chicken fix for the week...
  3. Seadweller

    Getting a package delivered in Rocky Point

    Go to the Burrito Express... it's a couple blocks west of the baseball stadium and a block north of the big school, no clue what the street name or number is, but I'm sure someone will help us out here...
  4. Seadweller

    Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip

    LoL... that shark has been caught in more places than the common cold...
  5. Seadweller

    Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip

    Almost full playa... you want to go..? C'mon you know you do....
  6. Seadweller

    Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip

    Not a problem Terace... I hope your hubby can make it... and there is a king or queen sized bed you can put your son on if he will be sleeping... Safe Marine is pretty easy to find, but if it will make it easier we can come to where you are and bring you a map, we do it for all our fishing and...
  7. Seadweller

    Get Your own own Beach Place while you are young

    I was 39 when we made the move down here and I have to admit the past 16 years have been the most wonderful years of my life, and I know Barb (my wife) would agree with me 100%... after our first visit in 1987 we would just sceem and and dream to some day make Rocky Point our home.... Lovin'...
  8. Seadweller

    Package and Grocery Service

    Well... I'll take that chance Chari...
  9. Seadweller

    Package and Grocery Service

    What about KFC..? I miss KFC...
  10. Seadweller

    A few questions from a Noob

    We are going to be going to the Hot Dog and a Smile party at JJ's in Cholla Bay on Friday Night and you're also welcome to join us for that if you'd like... and our car is pretty much like a miniture version of a Mexican Bus so you'll get that experience as well... only joking we drive...
  11. Seadweller

    Fishing This Weekend May 26-27

    Good Luck... Hopefully the winds will be calmed down by then... it's been blowing hard since yesterday, and by Friday the winds are supposed to be 44 kilometers... Saturday the winds are suppose to start to slack off and even more so on Sunday... Adolfo is worried these winds may leave big...
  12. Seadweller

    A few questions from a Noob

    Well... if sryoder can put up with us being sober we can give him and his wife a ride to the show... but at least after we get there all our friends will be partying it up... until the end of the show, then sryoder and his wife will have to put up with us for a sober ride home... NO CHARGE of...
  13. Seadweller

    A few questions from a Noob

    Chari... they jack their prices way up to $20 if you are going anywhere near Cholla Bay or in this case to Wrecked... sryoder maybe we can meet up and I can take you on a tour or give you some info to help out... also the local busses aren't what you may be thinking when it comes to busses...
  14. Seadweller

    Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip

    There's no boat change... we are going on the ABOUT TIME... who said there is a boat change..? There is a completely different trip going to the island on Saturday June 2, and I was asked to go along to be the onboard DiveMaster, but as I said that is a completely different trip and has...
  15. Seadweller

    Memorial Day 2012

    Just an UPDATE... There are only 5 spaces left available on our 3rd Annual Bird Island Trip Memorial Weekend Sunday May 27th, to benefit our Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco... This has been a great adventure in past years... While at ...the island we will be enjoying kayaking, snorkeling...
  16. Seadweller

    Kayak Rocky Point

    They are no longer down here... they do come back on occasion to visit, I saw Tammy & Roland a few weeks or maybe a month ago at Playa del Oro... they had their trailer and they were just relaxing for the weekend... From what I was told Tammy is workong in Casa Grande and Roand went back to...
  17. Seadweller

    FISHING EXPEDITION to surprise my husband with??

    Nothing I guess... I'm doing it...
  18. Seadweller

    Memorial Weekend Bird Island Trip

    Just an UPDATE... there are only 5 spaces left available on our 3rd Annual Bird Island Trip Memorial Weekend Sunday May 27th, to benefit our Adopt-A-Classroom of Puerto Penasco... This has been a great adventure in past years... While at ...the island we will be enjoying kayaking, snorkeling...
  19. Seadweller


    No Parasailing... Dale & Esther sold both boats...
  20. Seadweller

    DIF Childrens Center

    Barb and I were invited to join our friends Joe & Carol Houchin to meet with the First Lady (the Director of DIF) and Monica Castro (Mayors Secretary) to visit the D.I.F. Children’s’ Shelter today... This is a different childrens shelter than Esperanza para los Niños, they also have a "Wish...