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  1. C

    US May Ban All Wildlife Imports From MX To Protect Vaquita

    In the process of bailing out. Hope to be out by the fall. Won’t be looking in the rear view mirror that’s for sure.
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    Desal last minute push by Dougie

    Of course the Israelis are going to push this 5/10 billion project when and if it gets completed. Arizona will be the next California.
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    Daily Specials - Restaurants

    The one thing I don’t rely on for restaurant reviews is Facebook. So far I think we are 2/10 on recommendations from Facebook. One of the restaurant’s we didn’t even complain because I didn’t even no where to start. Kindly packed up are left overs left the restaurant and drove around to find a...
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    Any bank recommendations?

    Does Intercam finally have the ATM machine replaced?
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    Line Coming Into Mexico 9 Miles Long on 5/26/23

    Never seen that shit on Marcus Welby.
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    Line Coming Into Mexico 9 Miles Long on 5/26/23

    His depends was failing. As we get older we tend to loose our bodily functions. I’m not speaking from experience it’s something I picked up watching Marcus Welby.
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    Target Insolvency

    I do
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    Target Insolvency

    As a Canadian it’s very concerning to see our neighbour to the south deteriorating.
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    Bud Light/Tranny Fluid

    Not even a lime can save that shit.
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    Bud Light/Tranny Fluid

    Not even worthy of mouth wash. Ewwww gross tranny fluid.
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    Suggestions for getting quad down to RP

    Why so tense fellas? Lol
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    Elephant seal washes up at Las Conchas.

    Estimated 1 ton could be the biggest in the world. Must be uge !!
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    Penasco's Drag Queens Are Relatively Docile

    Precisely why I never go out after dark.
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    Timeshare hell story from John Oliver

    JJ I just didn’t fall of the the turnip truck. You can’t even feel sorry for these people.
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    Timeshare hell story from John Oliver

    Just a thought. Any possibility the TFG has and is running his mouth off like a time share salesmen. I mean the dumbest of dumb are throwing there hard earned dollars at this disaster.
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    Danger really really bad in Caborca and the coast

    The criminals will just relocate if they’re not eradicated.
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    Emergency Evacuation Insurance is nice to have

    Has anyone actually priced out this option?
  18. C

    Foreign Terrorists in Mexico

    I had tenants that took their time leaving a few years ago. I nicely informed them that I would toss a skunk in the back door if they wanted to push my buttons. I then sat in my truck for a couple of days they left.
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    Foreign Terrorists in Mexico

    Sad to say but we’re pulling up our roots in PP and heading for Europe. Times are a changing as in getting worse by the day. PP is worse than a dawgs breakfast.