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  1. Buffalo Marty


    Thanks Jerry- I often come to PP from Nogales, so I have had to deal with this stretch being torn up and it is indeed awful. The trip from Nogales is essentially 4 segments of about an hour each: Nogales-SantaAna, SantaAna-Caborca, Caborca-YGriega, YGriega-Penasco. The last time I passed through...
  2. Buffalo Marty

    Exchange Rate Confusion

    I live on the border in Nogales and am very familiar with currency exchange. One definite tip: for large quantities of pesos NEVER, EVER change the pesos to dollars on the US side- you will never get the same rate, and it is often MUCH worse on the US side. You should always change at a bank or...
  3. Buffalo Marty

    DANGER Manhole Cover Missing !!

    haha Roberto, maybe this is giving Mexico a free pass, but the conditions you describe on Ocaña are pretty much standard issue on any Mexico local street project. I work in Nogales, Mex and they have had one of the main drags torn up in a similar way for 6 months- and every project I have seen...
  4. Buffalo Marty


    Hi Mis- that is interesting about the upgrade to the TV package at Bella, especially for HD. I'm at the Sea and its still the same old 7-8 standard def channels. I've been meaning to ask at an HOA meeting if an upgrade had been looked at. It would be interesting to know what the one-time and...
  5. Buffalo Marty

    Depreciation: Land v Building Value

    Thanks all for the feedback and advice. I contacted the notary who finalized my trust and they indicated that land and building values are explicitly called out within the trust. I hadn't looked through it because the trust is the size of a thick book. Sure enough, the info is in there. Just as...
  6. Buffalo Marty

    Depreciation: Land v Building Value

    Hey all, quick question- 2013 was my first year as an owner, and I am doing my Schedule E for rental income. To calculate depreciation, you have to allocate the purchase price between the land and building value. I have no idea what to do here, especially considering the Mexican land ownership...
  7. Buffalo Marty

    Considering Buy in Rocky Point

    Hi Diego- just my 2 cents: I closed in Dec 2012 on a 2bdr/2bth at the Sonoran Sea. My agent was Dan Monroe aka 'Rocky Point Dan'- you can Google him and find his website. Even for those not interested in buying I would recommend his e-mail newsletter since it contains various news and notes...
  8. Buffalo Marty

    Burros Longos 'Mimi' (Calle 26 / No Reeleccion)

    You're right, the carne asada in particular was spectacular. I like both salsas, it was just that I really couldn't really compare them as much as I wanted to since the portions were small and I was rationing them out between me and my wife! It seemed the orange one was spicier, but the darker...