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  1. E

    Las Palomas update?

    Well Mike?
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    Las Palomas update?

    It's an age old tactic of those under siege to get their enemies to turn against one another. that is what WWG has done. The Secret Squirrels have taken their eye off the prize,that being to evict the real cheaters, WWG.
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    Las Palomas update?

    A TOTAL regime change is in order. From the management company to the homeowners that oversee it. All have ulterior motives.
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    Las Palomas update?

    It takes a little effort to get into that cheatin' stealin' frame of mind that comes so easily to WWG. As one of our presidents once said, fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice..............won't get fooled's incomprehensible why anyone would encourage an owner to play ball with WWG.
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    Las Palomas update?

    So............... WWG ,having run out of gringo money to steal,decides to steal the same money twice by claiming ownership of what they weren't going to pay back the first time.
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    Las Palomas update?

    The "agreement" must be adhered to by both parties or it isn't one.
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    Las Palomas update?

    Sounds like the Secret Squirrels (tourist committee members) got paid what they were owed by Hector and now want everyone to get back on for another ride with WWG.
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    Las Palomas update?

    Time to let go of it . There is no rental pool management. You cannot enforce one side of an agreement in default.They don't even answer the phone.Rent from whoever has the best price, if they have paid their hoa dues they have paid for the amenities.the surveillance comittee is now aligned with...
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    Fuel prices

    Regular unleaded at the Circle K near the railroad trax was $2.82 a gallon on Saturday. 40 cents less trhan Phoenix
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    Crossing Fruit - Limones

    How 'bout "banned"
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    Tips for maintaining weight and staying healthy?

    Put less food in your mouth and move around more.
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    The result of overimbibing.To quote Ron White: "I had the right to remain silent but not the ability."
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    Current status of weekend night life in RP?

    Gua Guas has music and dancing.
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    What are *your* top 5 fav restaurants, taco stands, grub joints in RP!

    1 Mar Blu 2 Mickeys 3 Marys 4 Ramons 5 Chinos
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    Police activity on Sandy Beach Road

    This forum is so toxic it's hard to tell who is allied with whom.
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    Millionaire Fraud in San Felipe "FYI"

    It seems as though an individual Mexican is usually not going to engage in a real estate transaction with the likes of the "developers" that have swindled many Americans.The ejido thing is another issue.Money brings out the best in everyone.
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    Millionaire Fraud in San Felipe "FYI"

    How many Mexicans own a residence on the beach? They also don't have the feidecomiso issue.I always wondered why there are no Mexican areas ON the beach.
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    Police activity on Sandy Beach Road

    So they didn't find the weed?
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    What is the general difference in sea level for high and low tides?

    Kinda reminds me of the old Monty Python bridge of death question: what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? U of a does excellent tide predictions for the upper sea of Cortez. In fact Cedo is now selling the new '11 tide chart. That might be a good resource for you.And for those...
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    Licence Plate Readers

    Nice that they don't mess with us on the liquor.