New overpass

Hey Vern...............

I happen to have a place just behind el restaurante Capones, go there twice a month or more for four or five day weekends, all year long, haul my toys down or just leave them there.

I usually dump a thousand bucks or more per trip into the RP economy.

I've been hangin out there since the 70's, most everybody knows me or knows of me: "Jungle Jim" aka "Mr. Willy" the Willys Jeep Parts guy with the big Ford 4x4 trucks.

I've worn out three boats fishing and diving outta RP in that time.

I own 20 meters of dock space where El Intrepid ties up and have since I paid Joel to build it for me.

I used to camp on the north end of Sandy Beach when the only "structure" on that whole stretch was a shit and piss smellin shack called "The Reef".

I used to haul my center console Super Panga "Toadfish" down there and launch it from the primitive so-called boat ramp where the rocks begin. We used to dive there and do scuba classes from that beach and my boat. Used to make the thirty mile run west to depth and blue water in that boat and bring back big Dorado and Sailfish.

I used to take the overflow divers from the Island Explorer to Isla San Jorge on my Scout center console "Wet Willy". Those poor souls never had a clue of how shitty the run back to RP could be.

I used to lease a condo and had them build be a 20' x 60' pull-thru garage for my boat and toys at the Desert Oasis before they went tits-up like everything else in RP.

I NOW conduct salt water operations from my fish killin Sea Pro walk around cuddy cabin "Hammer Time"with twin Yamies, a 150 gallon fuel tank and racks for ten scuba tanks.

I am a contributor of many fishing adventures to Gene Kira's "MEXFISH.COM" as is your moderator "STUART".

If YOU go to Mexico, you might want to ask around since your ass-you-me is entirely without merit.

Just sayin,



Jim speaking as a fellow realist and someone with a load of pesos in this crooked card game myself it amazes me when these american-locals try to hide all the bad news.....At this point I have told my friends not to design/build down in my area or buy into the sandy beach stuff....breaks my wallet but not my friendships...
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El Pirata
Jim speaking as a fellow realist and someone with a load of pesos in this crooked card game myself it amazes me when these american-locals try to hide all the bad news.....At this point I have told my friends not to design/build down in my area or buy into the sandy beach stuff....breaks my wallet but not my friendships...
Wish I would of known about the Ladies bella condo going for half price, would of jump on that IF i had the cash.
Soooooo Russsssss.........

Are you takin a dump under that Cardon or just feelin a little frisky with Sr. Chorizo Chiquito?

No Hobie....

I never go down on a holiday weekend. Way too many crazies for my laid back lifestyle.

This weekend I'll be riggin up the boat and fishing tackle for a serious meat run next weekend. I've got five wolf hi-breeds that just love-a-de-feeeshy.

Maybe we can meet to cook-em up at Capones?

Yeah -- it definitely looks like they're under way. Good timing, based on the apparent (significant) return of visitor traffic to Penasco as of late.
Took the road home yesterday via the Sandy Beach, the road that takes you via the Coastal Highway to El Golfo.
Got to where the overpass work has started and found there aren't any easy ways to head north.
You have to head south for 1/4 mile and then hang a U-turn to go north.

Anyone towing a large trailer would be better off taking Ocana or the old Cholla road to BJ and then head north.

Also when I hit the border at 3:30 there was a 1/2 mile line which turned into a 2 hour wait because the Sonoyta police had lead a group of over
100 vehicles from the rear of the line in the right lane to be merged with all of us who had been waiting for the previous hour.
A lot of very pissed off people who were patiently waiting in the main line, were cursing at the policeman who didn't know how to count
because the new RH lane moved 3 cars to the 2 from the original line.
You can guess which line I wasn't in. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
For what it is worth, we got there today at 11:40 and the wait was down to 10 minutes. So (Memorial week?) traffic is dissipating.
The Border wait website showed 1 lane open with a 50 minute wait at 3PM, it never was updated in the 2 hours I spent sitting in line.
When I finally came to the inspection booths there were 4 lanes open, I was asked where I was going and scanned my passport, it took 30 seconds.