
I believe the home port will result in a downturn of real estate prices in some locations.

Prior to the paving of the road from the border to Penasco, San Carlos and Kino Bay were considered the "must see and stay" Mexican destination in these parts. Almost immediately on the road being open, real estate prices started to drop, and have not stopped. Ask my Uncle and Aunt, and a few cousins, about their losses ! They attribute the permanent decline to the road. At the same time prices in Penasco came alive.

The same will likely happen with the opening of the Cruise Dock. Prices for outlying areas that were "opened up " by the new coastal highway going south, as well as the new highway to and from the north, may see a marked decline in desirability and value. I expect these unfortunate areas will include El Golfo, Disemboque, Santo Tomas, etc. At the same time, as before, desirability and value of Penasco real estate will likely increase.
It seem the old rule of "location, location, location" is still valid.
There is a nice little piece in the az republic today about the port, lol.;)
On rep of the Puerto privida stated real estate prices are going to Soar in RP when the cruise
ships start coming. All the right people saying the right things. There are some interesting comments
the foes of this project also stated. There was even a comment that it was 60% completed, and 40 million dollars
have been spent so far, we know better.:rolleyes:
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If I was a gambling man which I am not, I would bet a million pesos that no "cruise ship" will never dock or drop anchor in RP. Just another contestant for the ultimate Golden Fleece award.

I still have unsold shares for your own personal ownership in that Jimmy Buffet wannabe that used to be known as Margaritavilla.

I've never been on a cruise ship nor ever will but I have been to many places where they make a port-o-call. Most of the locals despise them as usually less that 5% of tourist bucks go local operators with the rest to a few tours and restaurants that have contracted with the cruise company.

As for the unique eats and trinkets available in RP, all can be found at lower prices in Gila Bend AZ or Santa Ana CA.

"Supporters said the port could attract 3,000 new weekly visitors and transform the city’s economy"
Thats a lot of cabs and shuttle vans running back and forth port to town. Unless they plan to build something else near the port. Wrecked at the Reef will be busy.

"However, critics said the port could have a harmful impact on local residents, wildlife and biodiversity."
This is the big problem. Too much pollution.
Unfortunately most of the people who will benefit economically are at the top of the food chain. The trickle down will be limited.
I love this quote.
"Mary Snyder, director of sales and marketing for Puerto Privada Luxury Waterfront Condominiums, said when it opens, the port would send property values soaring in the town of 60,000 people.
She said this would be a good thing for the thousands of Arizonans who own properties in the area.
Guevara and Snyder said the hikes would not affect local residents because increases would apply to beachfront properties, which many locals already can’t afford."

They probably wet themselves just thinking about this happening. :eek: My Bad.

How conveniently misrepresented!

After reading the AZ Republik article I must correct myself.

Dream Land = Cruise Ship = 600-1000 feet long, six or seven decks, 1500 to 2500 state rooms, swimming pools on every deck, non-stop all inclusive food, booze & party.

Reality = converted shrimp trawler = 60-80 feet long, one deck, 10 cramped cabins, no A/C, salt water wash-down, a "poop deck", two hot meals a day depending on what the crew catches and the cook's hangover, bring yer own grog, fan, bath towels and butt wipe.

Or maybe the HMS Intrepid from the Old Port?

I thought I had seen some construction just like what is going at Sandy Beach. Just take a little trip west, across the Sea to the beautiful Port of San Felipe. Twice a day every vessel in the port is stranded, sitting on the mud bottom at low tide.

All passengers must be at the dock two or three hours before departure as some sea water is required to be able to float the boat from it's mooring to the dockside.

Typical client = young, cheap, foreign, brings their own granola bars, can't afford real food or booze anyways, no problema con no bano, that's why we all carry a bottle of pachulie oil.

And as a matter of fact..there are no "un-charted waters" in the Sea of Cortez, every Island in the Sea of Cortez is a national wildlife preserve and OFF LIMITS to tourists who want to do a little walkabout and shoot selfies with baby Boobies.



dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Jungle Jim... you never have been on a cruise and you don't plan on it (your quote). Yet, you have all this info on cruise ships. Interesting.
Wellllllllll DH,

I've never been on a "Dream Land = Cruise Ship" but have been on several "Reality = converted shrimp trawlers" for fishing and wildlife viewing, including HMS Intrepid whose owner had plans for the exact same thing being proposed for the new fiasco.

The difference between then and now was the the owner of El Intrepid planned on loading up at the port where it docks now. He was able to make two maybe three trips to Isla San Jorge with thirty or forty passengers before he was busted by the Mexican Navy for illegally dumping those fools in the water with breeding Sea Lions and letting them climb the trail up to the light while disturbing thousands of nesting Brown Boobies, Blue Footed Boobies, Brown Pelicans and a half dozen other protected sea birds.

Funny that the million dollar El Intrepid is now only fit to do sunset cruises rarely fully loaded and with more of the exact same fools.



I guess I'm one of those fools Jungle Jim on that Sunset Cruise! Why is it OK for you to go out on a boat fishing but not OK for some to go out and enjoy the sunset? Or drive your F-350 on the beach? We all should be able to enjoy the Sea of Cortez in our own way without someone calling us "fools"
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Guest of the biggest real estate wheeler dealers near the Jetty is dumping his or her properties and moving south...the beach erosion will begin next winter in front of Privada,the trash will become noticeable soon too..Wait till twelve drunk Mexicans jamb into The Sonoran the night before the cruise in multiple one in the whole place will get any sleep...Dry heat may find the drunks have taken a dump between his mattress and box spring....a way the poor in Mexico say hello to the rich I hear...


"the drunks have taken a dump between his mattress and box spring....a way the poor in Mexico say hello to the rich I hear..."

Really Jerry?? That's a pretty unbelievable statement.


"the drunks have taken a dump between his mattress and box spring....a way the poor in Mexico say hello to the rich I hear..."

Really Jerry?? That's a pretty unbelievable statement.
Nope true...told to me by a hospitality worker...
Ohh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........................

Wait till you see what the sea can do. The power of a thousand bull dozers. A little at a time sometimes, unbelievable at other times. As time marches on, one side of that rockpile will be a catchall for every bit of krap from El Golfo south and the other will loose sand and eat into the beach right up to the outside bar at the Wrecked. "Don't fool with mother nature" as they used to say. Just go to So Cal and see what they do, and they are just little ones. Contractors moving beach sand is a million dollar a year business. They even have to buy it and haul it all the from the desert in the Coachella Valley!!

And MM, I have no regrets, and happily admit that I used to be one of those "fools", on the sunset cruise scene, especially a few years back when the Lobos Del Mar gang had their catamaran and those gorgeous belly dancin chicks. Man-O-Man, talk about a cheap but thorough drunk!

And MM BTW I've never driven my F-350 on the beach, but I regularly do some sick-assed sand blastin rooster tails with my F-150 Raptor and Wrangler Rubicon.

But, gotta go south to Jerry's beach to do it as there is no mas beach drivin allowed in RP.



Jim maybe there is hope...
Ohh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........................

Wait till you see what the sea can do. The power of a thousand bull dozers. A little at a time sometimes, unbelievable at other times. As time marches on, one side of that rockpile will be a catchall for every bit of krap from El Golfo south and the other will loose sand and eat into the beach right up to the outside bar at the Wrecked. "Don't fool with mother nature" as they used to say. Just go to So Cal and see what they do, and they are just little ones. Contractors moving beach sand is a million dollar a year business. They even have to buy it and haul it all the from the desert in the Coachella Valley!!

And MM, I have no regrets, and happily admit that I used to be one of those "fools", on the sunset cruise scene, especially a few years back when the Lobos Del Mar gang had their catamaran and those gorgeous belly dancin chicks. Man-O-Man, talk about a cheap but thorough drunk!

And MM BTW I've never driven my F-350 on the beach, but I regularly do some sick-assed sand blastin rooster tails with my F-150 Raptor and Wrangler Rubicon.

But, gotta go south to Jerry's beach to do it as there is no mas beach drivin allowed in RP.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat find Jerry!

RP investors might do a little research before ploppin down a sack of coin on a more than certain boondoggle.

These scams are cyclic, after eight or ten years those who lost a wad do every the can to forget it.

That "Nautical Staircase" scam was a Mexican government scheme aimed directly at Los Gringos Ricos de Alta California. It really worked! I have several friends here in Yuma and in So Cal that put up thousands to get in on the ground floor of a plot that obviously never came to fruition or had any intention of. The "marina" at the "Port of San Felipe" was the first of many planned to be developed along the gulf coast of Baja California.

The master plan was for those with bigger, non-trailerable boats to cruise down to Ensenada BC where big tractor trailer rigs would sling load your boat and haul em over the then newly paved road via Valle Trinidad and on to the San Felipe highway then south to the "marina" where you could do your thing in beautiful San Felipe then take a short run over to Puerto Penaso thereby saving you almost two thousand miles of crusin to the cape and back up the gulf to RP.

Sorry to say but not one boat ever made the journey. A few years back I hauled on of my boats down to LA Bay and on the way decided to put it in the water at the "Port of San Felipe". There were eight or ten shrimp boats sitting on the bottom and a dozen or more anchored off shore. The concrete ramp was perfect except for one thing, there was a ten foot drop off at the low end. I could have waited four or five hours for the tide to come in to launch but then what about getting the boat back on the trailer? There wasn't a soul around so what about security for my truck and trailer?

And BTW the floating docks where El Intrepid is parked and in front of Balboas were an intimate part of the thieving scheme as well. And, as the plot sickens, that's another story.



Guest of the biggest real estate wheeler dealers near the Jetty is dumping his or her properties and moving south...the beach erosion will begin next winter in front of Privada,the trash will become noticeable soon too..Wait till twelve drunk Mexicans jamb into The Sonoran the night before the cruise in multiple one in the whole place will get any sleep...Dry heat may find the drunks have taken a dump between his mattress and box spring....a way the poor in Mexico say hello to the rich I hear...
I guess things must be done a bit differently in Jerryworld, but I've never seen anyone actually "take" a dump.