
1:eek:o Friday, some rogue cops are working the intersection of Josefa and Fremont. Tickets only $140 and $160. If you are in town beware. I saw a guy pulled over this AM and a friend just called to say she got nailed although she swears she stopped.


Lovin it in RP!
It could be they are actually pulling people over at that intersection that almost nobody stops at. I have clients in Conchas and I am through there a lot and I swear nobody stops. This weekend there are a lot more cops on the street.


If you pay attention you will see virtually all Arizona or stateside plates. Friend with AZ plates was picked out of a line of Mex. plates for alleged speeding. Just her. No rarar no nada ans the guy passed her going the opposite way on Fremont and whipped around so how did he measure speed??? Yes there is no stop on Josefa at that intertsection anymore. It was buried behind some crap there and only one sign in the middle on Fremont southbound. It's just too obvious to me driving every day in town. Locals, including the police will regularly run stop signs without a problem. Lots of signs are completely blocked by trees. parked vehicles or taco stands, but you will get a ticket if you drive through one. I got stopped in the Mirador for going the wrong way on a one way that was market with arrows going BOTH ways. The side streets in the Mirador are the worst but little traffic. Fremont at Sonora is a free for all every day. Two days ago a guy roared past me while I was stopped, not slowing down and doing at least 50MPH. This holiday is the absolute worst for traffic enforcement. I have thought about making a video. I am looking for a micro video camera I can mount in my vehicle to cover the speedo and the street. I am ppretty good about avoiding problems but frankly I am tired of being prey of a disinterested local govt.


Last week there wasn't a stop sign on the right hand side there if you were going east on Fremont. I don't know if they put one up now.


I think Russ should use his local, home town clout and remedy this situation at the highest levels of government, since it can only be very bad for business.


I asked the owner of Join Us to publish a list of questions and answers about trafic regulations in town. Examples: What is a legal stop sign? Legal if obcured by a tree or a taco stand or covered with paint and illegal? What is the reaureid placement of stop signs, say on a wide 4 lane? What is the speed limit in Penasco. etc. He complained about the absense of one way signs in the Malecon. Post some good questions about traffic control that you might have and I'll try to pass them along.
From all my driving experiences in PP, stop signs are only a suggestion if you are a Mexican National.
I slow down/stop at every uncontrolled intersection stop sign or not.


A list of questions and answers about traffic regulations in town???? And what about being stopped for a stop sign violation when you "absolutely did" stop and all the cop wants in money?


I asked the owner of Join Us to publish a list of questions and answers about trafic regulations in town. Examples: What is a legal stop sign? Legal if obcured by a tree or a taco stand or covered with paint and illegal? What is the reaureid placement of stop signs, say on a wide 4 lane? What is the speed limit in Penasco. etc. He complained about the absense of one way signs in the Malecon. Post some good questions about traffic control that you might have and I'll try to pass them along.
I'd made a turn in the Malcon and had just discovered I was going the wrong way on a one way at night with a cop coming right at me. I puller over to the right and and he pulled up next to me and we both stopped... As we were looking at each other, I threw both my hands in the air and then pointing to my head with a smile, I said, sorry estupido, that along with a silly what am I to do grin and and a shrug. He laughed and motioned for me to turn down a cross street and drove off grinning. Honesty is the best policy.:D
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El Pirata
A list of questions and answers about traffic regulations in town???? And what about being stopped for a stop sign violation when you "absolutely did" stop and all the cop wants in money?
I think the girl that called Roberto (osprey) just thru a line at him to pick his wallet for some cash, JMHO, badge number please.

Terry C

Sryoder, you can turn left too if your brave,,,just kidding. :D

With the roads and traffic down there, I don't move until I get a green light no mater what!
Sr. Rodolfo Elizondo Torres
IDENTIFICACION ______________________________________________________
OFICIAL ________________________________________________________ ______
Badge #
INSIGNIA ______________________________________________________________
APELLIDO/NOMBRE ___________________________________________________
Brand of Automobile
MARCA DE AUTOMOVIL _______________________________________________
Place of Registration
CIUDAD _______________________________________________________________
DEPARTAMENTO ______________________________________________________
RECIBO _______________________________________________________________
Signature Date and Time
FIRMA _____________________________FECHA Y HORA _____________

Copy above.....pull out with a pen! If they are screwing you, they, just might let you go. May be useless if the police is right, and just doing his job.


El Pirata
I have a traffic question: Is it legal (for gringos) to turn right on a red light?
Here is your answer.
Vueltas a la derecha
La vuelta a la derecha en alto generalmente no está permitida a menos de que haya un señalamiento (Derecha con precaución). Si está decidido a dar la vuelta, utilice su criterio.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Here is your answer.
Vueltas a la derecha
La vuelta a la derecha en alto generalmente no está permitida a menos de que haya un señalamiento (Derecha con precaución). Si está decidido a dar la vuelta, utilice su criterio.

You're such a tease dog... your dog verga gets me so ~~```Caliente```~~ I cant but help move my fingers across this keyboard on my lap...

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Roberto, if you could estimate, how many stop signs were run during Semana Santa this weekend? per tickets? In the 100/1 range?