Translated from another story in there. The distribution of money and where the majority of the money spent on the tours make PP sound like the Parking Garage at an Airport Terminal.
Mexico, DF - Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, will host the first home port for cruises in Mexican territory.
It is estimated that open their doors in 2016, in accordance with Guillermo Ruiz of Teresa, general coordinator of Ports and Merchant Marine of the SCT.
This project will leave a poured out economic of up to $12 million per month in the region, but, according to authorities and experts, will also require stronger regulation for the cruise industry.
The home port is in a breakwater, a pier and terminal building, with a combined investment of more than one billion pesos, virtually all from the federal budget.
Although several Mexican ports, such as Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel, are frequently visited by these vessels, only benefit from a part of the business: the shopping that the tourists do while walking around its streets.
Eduardo González Cid, adviser and liaison of the Tourism Committee of the Chamber of Senators for the cruise industry, explained that the fuel load and the victualling, which also generate millions of dollars in resources, remain in the ports from which these vessels, which in the case of the Pacific are San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
Cruise ships in the Caribbean are often out of Miami, Fort Lauderdale or San Juan.
Javier Tapia, holder of the Tourism Commission of Sonora, said that with the construction of this home port, the Mexican Government will increase the economic benefits for the northwest region of the country, because the associated paths were drawing ports of Sonora, Sinaloa, Baja California Sur and Baja California.
With the attraction of a single vessel, will generate an economic impact of $3 million weekly for the region.
A third of those resources come from the services of victualling of food, drinks and other necessary inputs for the journey.
Another million dollars generated by the sale of fuel, in the port of Guaymas, where there is already the necessary infrastructure.
The remaining million would be associated with the expenditure that the tourists do while tours.
Kinda sounds like the ship will come into port with fuel and provisions, pic up passengers and then the last 1/3 of the monies will be spread through out the rest of the stops on the tour?
No matter which translator I use that story is just sad. I thought that this was pretty funny as well...
The 'home' port of Peñasco, unknown by the cruise companies.