Finding the Good Deals In The City: Todays's special


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My hubby and I think a section of this forum would well serve locals, and good people thinking of calling this place their home, if it was dedicated to info about where certain goods and services are available, from time to time, due to rarity, seasonal availability, lower price, quality, etc. Anyone who lives here knows.

Today's special: yellow sweet corn on the cob, fresh, at the small veggie/fruit store next door to Electrico Veel and Farmacia Discuento. We bought many cobs for us and friends, as this is a rare commodity in PP. The lady Mgr said she hopes to get it often.
You know this information can be useful to anyone that uses this data base whether they are "PPRES" or considered "Good People" by your standards. Are you really suggesting that the moderators create a section that is exclusive to you and people you deem worthy of this type of information?
I do not understand your need to start a post in that manner when good information can be used by anyone interested in shopping, resident or visitor.
That is why people come to this forum, to learn and be informed about a place we all seemingly love.
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dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
who gives a fuk... good people, bad people, happy people. I don't pay attention to the details of a post. I read it as "would someone in the know post any specials they hear of for locals".


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LOL ! We may have some hyper-sensitive and possibly insecure folks reading this blog. Taking issue with my referring to people lucky enough to be able to choose to live here as "good" does not insinuate tourists are not also "good" ! Maybe a bunch of posters woke up today a bit irritable and itchin' to find a fight where none exists.

I believe a section of this forum for postings about where good deals exist from time to time would be value to residents , as well as the weekenders who care about normal day-to-day things in Penasco aside from bars, liquor stores, strip clubs, charter fishing, etc. For the weekenders who find the idea offensive, their motives and good faith regarding Rocky Point are in question. They are always free to have a section of this blog dedicated to tourists' interests, rather than presuming all things tourist are valid and true for us fortunates. Plus, the touristicos can always post a good deal when they see one.

The realities of the real world changes when you live in it.
LOL, there you go again.
Why does there have to be the "since I live here" attitude?
Why not just start a thread alerting people, just plain people of the deals you or others come across. I imagine the only response you could get would be Thank you.

Maybe I am misreading you but it seems the way you state things, you would like this place to end up turning into a gated community in PV. I am half expecting you to volunteer to run the vetting comity for present and prospective members like the previous forums you came from.


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Buying fresh fish: I look forward to people with real experience sharing the best place to buy fresh fish, crab meat, shrimp, conch, scallops, etc. We all have had our turn at getting seafood with an ammonia smell, and dealing with the merchant with a "worn out" scale. If you have a phone number for the monger please tell us.
Sorry, no phone number available but, I have had good luck with Mister Fish at 25 in the Malecon. Everything I have purchased at Mister Fish has not been bagged until I chose it though, that has been a good thing.

As far as bad scales, another member had suggested carrying a reference weight to test the scales with, as the monger may "find" a better scale to use once they know you aren't playing their game.

I am surprised though knowing that you live down there that unless you see and choose the fish you want to be filleted that it is a crap shoot in the first place. I am also surprised since you live down there that you have yet to secure a reputable monger.

I would be very interested in your discovery once it happens, as I have resigned myself to not bringing home any fish unless I catch it myself. Leaving no doubt of the freshness, or even the variety of what you are purchasing. Nor any haggling with neighboring mongers.

At the suggestion and overall approval of other forum members there is a place called Seafood Products on Sinaloa near the Burger King that as of the end of November was still in operation. One member even posted a photo of the board in the store with the products available and their prices, though they may vary.You may want to look into it, just need to use the search function available within the forum.

I am sure other forum members would be interested in your findings. I thank you in advance for any quality results you come up with.


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Thanks for you info.

If you want to read my post again, I was looking for fish buying ideas from "people with real experience". What you have given us is, once again, from someone with only tourist experience.

What sort of reference weight do you have in mind, and where did you get it? Is it 1 pound? 1 kilo? 500 Grams? Whatever, it does not exist in the real world. Whichever member told you this nonsense is juvenile silly!

When you get settled in Mexico you will buy a digital scale for your home, and use it until you develop a long term relationship with a local family man who sells fish for a living, from his own property. He will call you on your home phone when he gets in what you requested.

Once again HBT, as an occasional tourist from 200 miles away in the desert, presumes to give advice to residents about where to buy fresh fish in Penasco. DUH !

Most gringo locals, and all real Mexicans, avoid the tourist fish merchants on the Malecon you mention, in favor of those who sell day to day to Mexicans and gringo locals. Have you ever seen a Mexican at the tourist fish stalls? Never ! There are many other fisherman-home merchants on streets with obscure names and no house numbers. These are where resident people buy the fresh catch at normal prices. This is fresh fish reality.

You tourist folks might want to start another blog named ROCKY POINT TOURIST TALK so you can banter about in another level of reality !

New members of this forum: firstly ascertain if the poster is a tourist or a resident. You can then choose which is relevant to you.
Sounds as though you need to start your own forums.

The reason some of us joined this forum is to be in touch with others that have experience with the area. Some of us trust those suggestion and opinions. Resident or not, and some can weed through the information and benefit from it.

It's kind of like recipes, find something you like as a base and tweak it to your liking.

And no matter what you believe, just because you have purchased down there does not make you a local. Unless your last name is Tirado or Traviso or something similar and you are repatriating to your homeland you are nothing more than an immigrant. If your children are then born there then they would be native to the area.

Very similar to the Mexicans that move here. Which is ironic because in your gated life the only Mexicans you saw were probably mowing your lawn, the whole time you complaining about them being in your country. And now you have moved to their homeland and claim it as your own as well.

I appreciated your comment before about me being a benefit to this forum, but I resemble to a certain extent a lot of people you seem to look down on, probably not dissimilar to the way you live down there.

I am here to share what I have learned from my experiences, information I have read that seems to be useful and I would never pick and choose who deserves to use that information.


Lovin it in RP!
Just for the record, I don't buy my seafood in the Malecon, I buy in the hood from a friend who recieves part of his pay as a working fisherman in product and part in cash. I buy my veggies at the California market on the corner of Constitucion and Samuel Ocaña. My Pollo comes from a girl on Samuel Ocaña who has a small shack called Pollo de Sinaloa it is the best, although when we want to take guest for chicken we usually go to Pollo Lucas on the main drag. That's all for what its worth.
Just for the record, I don't buy my seafood in the Malecon, I buy in the hood from a friend who recieves part of his pay as a working fisherman in product and part in cash. I buy my veggies at the California market on the corner of Constitucion and Samuel Ocaña. My Pollo comes from a girl on Samuel Ocaña who has a small shack called Pollo de Sinaloa it is the best, although when we want to take guest for chicken we usually go to Pollo Lucas on the main drag. That's all for what its worth.
I agree Russ, take home S/pollo is very tasty, also the beans are very good, You know when you become a local is when you say the best!
I agree Russ, take home S/pollo is very tasty, also the beans are very good, You know when you become a local is when you say the best!
I will have to try that place out for sure, while Lucas chicken is good their sides aren't very good.

After this last visit I finally met someone I can get some tips for local buys. Jesus at Anita and Jesus place was a very nice person and probably would have some very good suggestions.
Jesus & Anita used to sell door to door before they went big time (kidding), So once you connect with someone who can read your needs you will no longer be buying frozen fish with preservatives and digging for clams.