Bullseye Puffer Sphoeroides annulatus.....
A deadly little treat. Mexicans use em as fly killers throughout the east side of Baja California. They split em open and hang them over their doorway next to the dried up "DIABLOS" used to ward off espiritos muy malo. The diablos are juvenile Shovel Nosed Sharks that have been carved up to look like they have four limbs and a long tail. The really creative people even paint em red.
As for the puffer, you will sometimes see them skinned and dressed up in the Fish Market in the Old Port advertised as "POLLO". Personally, I'm not into the game of Russian Roulette therefore would never eat one. And as a matter of fact try tossing one to a pelican, they will spit it out in an instant. Also, with hose four buck teeth that they have, they can cut a steel hook in half with ease.