This was our 1st. stay @R.P., had only been out ay Cholla Bay @Brother-in-law's place. prior.In 1984 a group of us came down - some for the first time - and stayed at the Villa Granada. One was a college student, born and raised in Boston & attending Harvard. His nose was so far up in the air it is a wonder he had any idea of where he was walking. He couldn't believe that his Dad had brought him to this terrible, small, dusty place. Aunt Louisa handed him a Margarita and introduced him to some ASU students who were staying there.
The next morning he was still complaining about the lack of amenities - certainly wasn't up to Boston standards. But his new found ASU friends convinced him to join them for a day on the beach and riding dune buggies.
That afternoon we were all sitting in the courtyard having a drink, talking and listening to music. ASU & Harvard kids arrived from their day on the beach and headed for the showers. A little background info: Now, at that time in Penasco, water was about as rare as gold and half the time it was turned off at the hotel in order to conserve it. We continued enjoying ourselves under the massive Bouganvilla vine that covered the courtyard.
Shortly Harvard was out on the balcony, a towel wrapped around him, shampoo still in his hair, calling down to Louisa, "Please Louisa, five more minutes of water so I can get the soap off!" - this was said with a grin. His Dad, in shock, said "Is that my son - the Harvard snob!!!" She gave the kids five more minutes of water. Then they all joined us and, in Penasco fashion, it all turned into a lovely party for the rest of the afternoon.
By the next morning Harvard was pleading with his Dad to be able to stay another day. He no longer saw a small dusty town - instead he saw friends and a way of life that was so different from his, but beautiful in it's own right.
Penasco isn't Boston, nor Phoenix. It is still a land of manana. But when the service is slow, lean back and enjoy the view and conversations with old and new friends.
This was 1990, same as you vines cascading down, big heavy-set manager, Named Jim Coffe
e served in bed and evening intertainment.
Great memories indeed.