Dying in Mexico ( Rocky Point )

GV Jack

Snorin God
Terry...Thanks for posting this.

One never knows when, so should I go down there, after the party, my wife will know what to do.


Well I plan on my final moments being in Mexico, hopefully Chiapis or Oaxaca so the post was interesting. I worrly only about the problems that my passing might cause for my sons. It would be ideal to go in a manner that disposes of the remains. Maybe a piece of rope, a cinder block, an inflatable boat and a sharp object. Oh yea and a deep large body of water too!
And I thought I was the only crazy one wanting to be sent out on my jet ski with pole and beer. don't know about my life insurance pay off in this case
I just cared for a dear friend from the start of his battle with cancer until the day he passed. I now am preparing a eulogy and will spread his ashes. After experiencing first hand and up close what cancer can do in decimating the body and spirit I choose ( if I am able) to go the way many of you have suggested.


I just don't get all the negativity around suicide. Who's life is it anyway. Why are their laws that dictate you must suffer right up till the painful end when you could go to sleep quietly. My best friend passed a year ago quietly in his bed when asleep. His wife called a mortuary to come for the remains and they called the police who showed up and interrogated the family for several hours. Sickening. In Mexico if you are found with a dead body you usually face a murder investigation so beware.

GV Jack

Snorin God
My brother died at age 59 from colon cancer. The doctor gave his wife morphine to administer to help ease the pain.
She used it all over a period of time and when he passed, at home, she called the doctor. The doctor by law had to call the police
to have them make an accounting of the drugs used. She had kept a sheet with the date, time and amount of each shot. They
raked her through the coals while his body was still in the house. It was brutal and she almost lost it. Unfortunately I was in
Cleveland and they were in Florida or I might have ended up in jail. I agree with suicide and assisted suicide. If a woman has the right to
terminate a life in her body, why don't I have the right to terminate my life? I must admit that there were times in my youth when I
almost did it, unwillingly, but that's a different story for another time.


I just don't get all the negativity around suicide. Who's life is it anyway. Why are their laws that dictate you must suffer right up till the painful end when you could go to sleep quietly. My best friend passed a year ago quietly in his bed when asleep. His wife called a mortuary to come for the remains and they called the police who showed up and interrogated the family for several hours. Sickening. In Mexico if you are found with a dead body you usually face a murder investigation so beware.
There is a scene in 'Gillespie's Gold' where one of the guys dies and to expedite the process of bringing the body back to the US from Mexico with the minimum amount of questions and fanfare, they placed him in the passenger seat of the old 4x4, poured tequila over him and drove him back across the border as if he had just passed out, after over indulging during a night on the town. They didn't need no 'stinkin' papers' in that case.


When our pets are suffering we take them to the vet. If the vet determines there is nothing they can do to improve the life / suffering of the pet, we have the option to put them to sleep humanely (umm - put the pet to sleep / not the vet).

Sometimes I think we treat our pets better than people.


In the upper Midwest the Finnish homesteaders would deal with the end by going backwards into a rain barrel....you can't get out and the body doesn't get to gross for the poor guy who finds it... I was thinking of selling geocached directions to hidden "moss box" end of the road graves for people that just wanted to disappear....hidden lid shuts and no fuss no muss.....


Friends in one of the suicide groups talk about the big issues being "Who will find the body?' Promises are made among friends to protect the family members and some poor unwary soul ffrom coming across a corpse.