Crossed a bit back, got sent to secondary for the first time ever. Guy in the booth stares and pauses after responses from me, stares some more. " Where were you"? Me: Penasco. How long were you there? Me: " About 10 years" Incredulos response !! 10 Years!! Walks around the van shaking his head. Stares at me some more. Guy put a note on the windshield wrapped around my passport and directed me to pull over. Inspection done in 20 minutes or so while I wait inside. All is friendly and efficient. I leave and the passport and note are still on the windhield. Open the note, was a reason for referral checklist form. Reason was handwritten in: Kept eating his hamburger, looked shaky.
This guys's approach was such that if he was a clerk in a store you would say he was rude. Given he had authority you just smile and bear it , or keep eating your hamburger.
This guys's approach was such that if he was a clerk in a store you would say he was rude. Given he had authority you just smile and bear it , or keep eating your hamburger.