Name of artist who did Malecon sculpture?

Hop David

I am working on a coloring book with scenes from Gila Bend to Rocky Point. One of the pages depicts a Malecon sculpture, a graceful object that looks like two seagulls in flight. For the caption I'd like to include the name of the artist. But the plaque is corroded and I can't make out the sculptor's name. Does anyone have info on this work of art?



I can't pull up your pic but think the two birds you're taking about are eagles -one for the US official bird and the other is for the eagle in the Mexican flag. I don't know the artist

Hop David

I can't pull up your pic but think the two birds you're taking about are eagles -one for the US official bird and the other is for the eagle in the Mexican flag. I don't know the artist
There is a little curve to the beak so I think you're right -- they're eagles. The birds are smack dab in the middle of the governor columns.


Yes they were for the inauguration of the governor's plaza where all the border governors met from both the US and Mexico


Nice picture. A few artistic suggestions. To make it a little more realistic you should draw in someone washing the car. Maybe show a Mayan Palace rep trying to sell a time share to a tourist:)


I am working on a coloring book with scenes from Gila Bend to Rocky Point. One of the pages depicts a Malecon sculpture, a graceful object that looks like two seagulls in flight. For the caption I'd like to include the name of the artist. But the plaque is corroded and I can't make out the sculptor's name. Does anyone have info on this work of art?
What I read on the plaque is:

Colectivo (shared/joined art work): TEKNE

Autores/authors: Febe Alday, Ines Valdez, Esteban Moreno, Dario Ruiz, Gissel Rascon. Alan Villa

Installed or finished Verano 2007/Summer 2007