tides and seas look great for next weekend. and seeing how it is my b-day weekend gonna have to get in some quality fishing time. scott and i thinking of going to the 51. might even do an overnite trip. anyone else planning on fishing that weekend.
If Buoyweather looks good, Connie and I are bringing the boat back down for the fall/winter season. Got my annual maintenance all done (it's hell doing it yourself when it's been 115!). We'll definitely look for you two. My B-day's not far off, either, so this may be the only chance I get to go for a bit.
Some advice from experience? There's not likely to be much action at the 51 yet. Every year, I get that "51" itch and run out there in mid-Sept. and it's usually pretty much a bust. The action is still good closer in right now. The 51 doesn't really seem to pick up until Oct./Nov. But hey, you never know.
We'll likely hit the 18, 23 or go south down to the Caballo and maybe troll a bit if we see some good blue water. I'm also ready for some trolling and casting around the island. Haven't been to the island in forever and forgot what a great time it is trolling for sierra and ladyfish on light tackle. Just some plain 'ol fun fishing instead of grouper wrestling for a change!