What Is It About This Place?


Gosh Kenny, I didn't say I actually believed all those conspiracy theories! Chemtrails, yes. No matter what you say, though, the majority of the population are sheep - and I'm not excluding myself, either.


Gosh Kenny, I didn't say I actually believed all those conspiracy theories! Chemtrails, yes. No matter what you say, though, the majority of the population are sheep - and I'm not excluding myself, either.
I wasn't pointing at you or anyone in particular Melissa. I'd just seen that picture on Facebook right before I read these post's and thought I'd post it to see if anyone would go baa.

The Man

They are useing alumemum micro bots in the contrals now.....they settle down and they break the blood/ brain barrier.....twice in the early mornings here lately noticed those dam jets releaseing those trails.....stright lines..then the wind spreads then out and it looks like clouds. Perfact blue skys they turn into cloudy skys....
Those contrals don't disapear, they spread out like clouds. Make a great
Rocky Point clear blue sky, cloudy!
Then at same time in the early morning, I watched the passerger jets in their fly lanes and their contrails disapear in a few minutes.
Why here???????? I really think thats what is screwing the US weather up, not earth warming. They say the polor ice has increased, so them trying to cool the earth that is in a cooling state, is being cooled more! Gov always gets its hands on something, and it screws it up worst. Oh well who beleaves in gobal warming...??? Then nice clouds!

The Man

When we get our age the last thing is to worry about a tin foil jockstrap! That way...if ya find the "one" in a drunk'en binge....ha! Ya don't get an 18 year food ticket ya have to hand out! Yup!

The Man

Waist of time putting tin foil on ya head or the poor sheep's head before he expoldes, or on that certain part of the male that hangs low, cause when that stuff the gov puts in the comtarils (the alum micro bots) settle, it finally starts to come down to the earth and we breath them in.......gets into blood, then the alum bots gets to our brain.

So heavy margareta's and Mex beer is the only RX, is all us serfs can do to fight this gov cospiracy, if any non sayers are out ther!

Gov is doing that to cool the earth as they want the sun to reflect up, but true recorts show the earth cooled somewhat over a peroid of time!

This I think all boils down to who is stronger in congress....the Dem are in control....they say there is global warming! So there is golal warming So they want cap and trade, and chemtrails to cool the earth. Now the Repub, are not in power, and they say no cap and trade, and no chemtrails!! ,,,,but they lose!

So for now we have a screwed up government....so thats it in a nut shell!!!


Lovin it in RP!
Rejack, I love the ability to work from 5:00 am to about 11:00 am, stop for the day. Launch the Jetski at Cholla bay, ride for a few hours.....wind up in the malecon for drinks and dinner. Enjoyed a full day of activities and spent less than 40 bux including the gas for the Jetski. Come back home in the hood totally relaxed and a new attitude to conquer the small things I have to do around the casa