What Is It About This Place?


What is it about this place, and am I the only one that feels this way? We've been down here for 10 days now and honestly, I have never felt better. I realize that I'm on vacation, so there's no work stress, the daily grind, etc. But what I'm talking about is a different feeling. I've been drinking beer almost every day, I've been eating exactly what I want and I've lost 5 pounds! I don't have that sick, bloated, poisoned feeling that I have in the US. Is it because the air is fresh - the food is fresh and without all the damn preservatives and chemicals? Is it something in the air? Obviously the water is different. I actually feel clean after a shower, my hair isn't dry as straw - less soap and shampoo is needed, and my skin looks better!
Is it all in my mind or do others feel this way too????????
You are definitely exhibiting symptoms of a common condition. Many others experience the same phenomenon, and the only treatment is to decrease your vitamin D intake (i.e., get out of the sun), avoid any alcohol, and go back to the rat race up north.
You are definitely exhibiting symptoms of a common condition. Many others experience the same phenomenon, and the only treatment is to decrease your vitamin D intake (i.e., get out of the sun), avoid any alcohol, and go back to the rat race up north.
AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :eek: DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!

It is the the condition know as Mexicus Relaximus
I know exactly how you feel
I suffer from the condition Mexicus Jealousness. (wish I was there)
Always feel the same way....even if we work on condo, it seems fun! Laundry and cleaners always smell "fabuloso" Glad to hear you are having a great time....soon those LP lights will have grown on ya..lol...


Bill Sisson a old time Cholla Bay guy that my neighbor at Santo Tomas is sort a viking mystic. He is always down by tide line on crazy days like this soaking up the excess ions...me just boogie boarding..fun today!
My prognosis is my attitude shows symptoms that may include
Acute levity,
Frequent drowsiness,
And a chronic cheery mood

It’s un-insurable, incurable, but delightfully endurable

Honey, you got you a chronic case of Méxicosis

El Gato

We lived there full time and never felt better. Part of it, I think, is the food. Pure sugar - not as much of it - not as much packaged foods - tons of avocados because they are soooo good and so inexpensive compared to the States. You tend to walk more. You interact with people - we never went anywhere that either we didn't run into someone we knew - almost always - and/or meet someone new - so smiles always on our faces. And a smile a day keeps the doctor away.

Relax and enjoy and know that you are doing your body/mind good. And even science agrees with you that living by the sea is actually better for your health.
And even science agrees with you that living by the sea is actually better for your health.
I totally agree. I have a slight sinus condition and while I was there for CM, I noticed that it did not bother me once and I don't even remember sneezing.


Sea Shell Goddess
I could not agree more! Whenever we go, and not as often as we would like to. We are south of the border and completely disconnect from everything up north experiencing a complete change in attitude. We sleep in, watch dolphins, take long walks, take naps, cocktails and sunsets, and just being with each other in every sense of the word ;)!
You got that right. You are now a certified Gringo Mexican.
Now that we are retired it is Rocky Point in the Winter and Shlow Low AZ. in the Summer.
My wife does not handle the heat well or we would be full time.
You mentioned the Avocados but try eating Papuya every day. They are great for your Kidneys.
I have some Kidney failure and when we are down for the Winter they inprove in function. From as low as 24% to a high of 41 %
Welcome to the good life and hope to meet you next winter.
We are in Plya De Oro # 50 most of the Winter. Stop by


No chemtrails down there...!!
Glad you brought that up. I was hesitant to mention it. I have seen them 2 times in RP in the last 2 years. I definitely notice a pattern in Phoenix of feeling pretty awful the 2 days immediately after the "spraying" begins. A lot more people are starting to notice it lately too.


Here's the best argument I have against chemtrails:

The US military has the technology to prevent contrails. Engine modifications, fuel additives, altitude adjusting autopilot linked with humidity sensors, and ultrasonic pulse generators are all routinely used to inhibit cloud formation in an aircraft's wake. Without it, all the stealth technology in the world would be entirely useless since a stealth jet's contrail would be a giant white arrow across the sky that points out exactly where it is and exactly where it came from.

If the military was actually for some reason dumping chemicals into the atmosphere it would be incredibly simple for them to render it invisible to the naked eye. If chemtrails were real, you wouldn't be able to see them.


Here's the best argument I have against chemtrails:

The US military has the technology to prevent contrails. Engine modifications, fuel additives, altitude adjusting autopilot linked with humidity sensors, and ultrasonic pulse generators are all routinely used to inhibit cloud formation in an aircraft's wake. Without it, all the stealth technology in the world would be entirely useless since a stealth jet's contrail would be a giant white arrow across the sky that points out exactly where it is and exactly where it came from.

If the military was actually for some reason dumping chemicals into the atmosphere it would be incredibly simple for them to render it invisible to the naked eye. If chemtrails were real, you wouldn't be able to see them.
The government doesn't care if we see them or not. How long has it taken for even a fraction of people to admit that they might even exist? We're all just a bunch of sheeple, following the herd, going about our daily business. Even now that some people believe they are chemtrails, what are we going to do about it? Nothing. What can we do about it? Nothing.