Construction In Town


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yay! I just want to make one stop at Super Ley on the way in and then hide out in my beloved Mirador the rest of the week! LOL!


The Western lane on BJ is open for 2 way traffic. Residents have taken the problem at Ocana in hand and removed the barriers at the entrance. There was 2 way traffic on the southern lanes yesterday. There is an unmarked detour next street south of Ocana. A couple of hundred yards of concrete on the north lanes just off BJ. No equipment in sight. It's a disaster.


Disaster? Adventure? It's all how you look at it!
Now that a great way to look at it. In fact what a marketing strategy. Rip up ALL the roads in town with unmarked detours and giant craters, fence off local businesses, take down all business, and traffic signs and advertise to tourists: "Come to Penasco for the biggest adventure of your life. If you can find a restaurant you can eat. If you can find a hotel, you can sleep. Special discounts for vehicle repair at all participating mechanics"
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While there are 2 lanes of BJ now open From Lopez Portillo in to town they are now tearing up the pavement north on BJ, all in front of Wally Mart. Yesterday the two lanes S. Bound were open for 2 way traffic but construction equipment was blocking everything some times. Not sure how far they will go but prolly to the Josefa/Ocana intersection eventually.
All the more reason to go to S. Beach at the killer intersection toward Laguna Shores intersection with the coastal highway. All oother destinations in town best to take the left off BJ onto Josefa where Josefa starts (the first light into town) then all the way to the Unconscious intersection or across town at any of the traffic lights.


Lovin it in RP!
So last month I quit doing the Pinacate volcano fields tour....I just started driving people down Samuel Ocaña explaining that this too was as close to the moons surface as you could get without going there, it saves me tons of miles and gas but not wear and tear.

Terry C

That's what all the stuff was today. Three huge buses , motor homes, ton's of federal police all parked on the side of road 1/4 mile before and after the entrance.


I recall reading some early Penasco history that a president way back when came and saw how bad things were, people living in caves and had the feds. help out more. If more roads were ripped up and the busses had to drive on them may have shaken out some federal pesos !!!