14-15mph wind this weekend -- too much?

I was thinking of going down this weekend to do some near short fishing in my little boat (14' aluminum with a 10hp outboard), but I'm seeing forecast winds in the 14-15mph. I usually don't go more than 1/2 mile or so from shore and try to avoid doing too risky. :)

Can someone give me a rough idea of how bad will the waves likely be? I don't want to make the drive for nothing.



Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I looked at this weekend too for kayak. I am very experienced and have been out there with 2 ft seas but this weekend the wind is out of the North. The Northerly wind in Penasco is a B!TCH!!!! Im pry going to wait. Let's see what some of the PROS on this forum say but IMO the North wind is the worst type!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
You should wait. There's more than the weekend forecast to consider. It's going to be blowing consistently 10-20 from today through the next several days, primarily out of the NW. If it were just one day, the seas would have a chance to lay down overnight. They are going to be easy 2-4 ft. steady at about a 2-3 second interval, sharper on the incoming tide. Will make for a rough ride in your boat for sure.

Which wind direction is the worst depends on where you're fishing. It's either a wet ride heading out, or a wet one heading home. But like Joe, I detest the winds out of the NNW, which is the typical winter wind pattern. In summer, we see more wind out of the south or west, which is easier to deal with.


Another guy and I are planning a trip to Lobos in the next couple of days. The boat is an 18-foot aluminum with a 40 H.P. motor. It never goes out farther than a mile even under good conditions since conditions can change. Casa Weez forecasts 7-9 mph winds in the mornings with the afternoons having 10-20 and therefore out of the question. If we put in at daybreak and return at lunch time, how miserable and dangerous would 7-9 mph winds be in a boat like that?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Audsley - It's one of those "any given day" things. May be that you're fine in the morning; you'll have to pays your money and takes your chances! Even with some wind, you may be able to fish south because the point provides some protection from the wind and it's a bit more sheltered in that south bay along the cliffs if the wind is out of the north. We've picked up some good fish along those reefs with Ted and the yellowtail like to chase bait in through that area in the afternoon, too, so you can throw jigs at them on the surface. The best reefs are the ones straight out and a little north of the point, but the wind will definitely dictate whether or not you can go there.
Still blowing from the latest forecast. Are the estuaries fishable in this wind (i.e. More protected?). Ive never fished them so I don't really have any idea about those areas.




El Pirata
Spanish word on the dock's is most fisherman are better drinkers than fishermen! Not very good weather people too...Hey don't throw shoe's at me just what I heardmayan.jpg
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It was calm this morning- but in the afternoon, it picked up again. You should be glad you didn't go fihing.
Another question -- since the online site for fishing licenses doesn't seem work, where in RP can I buy one? Searching the forum I came up with, "Municipal building on Fremont?" - but not quite sure where that is located?




Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
It's City Hall. Right on the corner at the light where you turn from the main drag (after the railroad tracks) to head to Las Conchas. There is a tiny office hidden in that building; ask around inside. You'll never find it on your own. We got lost for two weeks in that maze and had to set off our EPIRB locator devices so they could find us!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Dang, still blowing....
Welcome to Penasco fishing! Last year, it blew nearly every weekend all spring and well into summer. I'm hoping it will settle down before that this year, but... Mother Nature is gonna blow whenever she wants.

It's extremely frustrating to see dead calm days during the middle of the week and 15-20 every weekend!