Bill, thanks! You are always welcome here and truly, you'll still be a friend whether you visit the forum or not.
Mike - While I understand some of your comments, you seem to have a few misconceptions. I have more or less run this forum for years from the old days when Mike O'Neill owned it and sold it to Steve Schwab as "rockypointonline." It was reincarnated as a real estate site, which quickly crashed and burned. Tyler was kind enough to offer us (the community that is this forum, dysfunctional as it may be) a place to regroup and carry on. The reason I've worked to keep it going all these years? Fishing. I love fishing and you've got some of the best fishermen in the Sea of Cortez that are part of this site. That's good enough for me.
This site has never been a commercial enterprise. There are no in-your-face pop-up ads appearing every two seconds. There is no membership fee. We don't collect stats and feed Google to force-feed you advertisements. We're a simply a forum, a place to talk and express your opinion, good or bad. We honestly don't care if we have a million members or a hundred members. It's about the people - some love Rocky Point, some hate it. I refuse to ever become like the mainstream media these days and only ever allow one side of the story to be told. If this site were to become nothing but kumbaya bullshit, like so many others that dwell ONLY on what a great safe place it is, here, let me sell you a condo... well, I'd stop being a part of it. It's better to read both sides and make an informed opinion. There's only one user that has been permabanned here and that's because, despite hundreds of chances, he simply could not control himself and his interactions with other members.
Totally your choice. You can stay, or you can go where the sun always shines and nothing bad ever happens. Totally up to you, you're still welcome here either way.