

Did you know you can now load your magicjack to an Android or I-phone? It is so cool. Now when I am in Mexico I can call anyone on my address book for free and they can call me.


Yep, just make sure you have a good wi-fi / internet connection. Otherwise, it can break up pretty badly.
You also have to buy international minutes to use it on your android. These are different from the international time you buy for the magic jack itself.

Cholla Bay


You don't have to buy international minutes. I have a magicjack at Bella Sirena and I just downloaded the account to my cell phones. It has the same number I have had there for 3 years and I have never gotten a bill. It is a Phx number .
Correct! My bad. You do need International minutes to call International numbers. The plan for your Magic Jack device and the software version android require different prepay accounts.

Cholla Bay


We use the app on our Mexico and US android smartphones. Works great with strong Wifi or just using Telcel data plan.


Reviving this thread. Trying to figure out the cheapest way to call US cell phones from Mex. Magic Jack App for my US iPhone? Magic Jack plus into my laptop with a cordless phone? We don't have our own personal router inside the condo. They are throughout the resort and owners have a different log in than renters. We get more bandwidth or something like that.
What do you think is the best way to do this?
I know when I stayed there before, I had a pretty good wi-fi signal most of the time. It was usually running at around 50-65%
We were able to skype with no problems. I think the magic jack is the cheapest.


I know when I stayed there before, I had a pretty good wi-fi signal most of the time. It was usually running at around 50-65%
We were able to skype with no problems. I think the magic jack is the cheapest.
When was the last time you stayed there? I know they've upgraded the internet within the last year or so and are getting ready to upgrade it again along with a whole new fiber optic TV system with a gazillion HD channels.
Hi Mis- that is interesting about the upgrade to the TV package at Bella, especially for HD. I'm at the Sea and its still the same old 7-8 standard def channels. I've been meaning to ask at an HOA meeting if an upgrade had been looked at. It would be interesting to know what the one-time and recurring costs are. Is there a contact at Bella you might know of to ask about this? Thanks


Hi Mis- that is interesting about the upgrade to the TV package at Bella, especially for HD. I'm at the Sea and its still the same old 7-8 standard def channels. I've been meaning to ask at an HOA meeting if an upgrade had been looked at. It would be interesting to know what the one-time and recurring costs are. Is there a contact at Bella you might know of to ask about this? Thanks
I'm not at Bella, I'm at Las Palmas. I will PM you with the contact info for the HOA Administrator, okay?
If you have T-Mobile and sign up with their Simple mobile plan (what everyone converts to when off contract).
**you have to call or change it on-line to get it*), you get .20 cent per minute calls, free texts and 2G/3G data in Mexico and many other countries.
This is another option not as cheap as MJ but much better than the alternative mobile plans.


I have AT&T? A couple years ago I bought a cheapie Mexican cell phone. It was fine before when we weren't down there as much, but it's starting to cost a lot for me to call back to the US for work. That's why I'm thinking Magic Jack. Just for our use, not for renters.
Manic jack works great for us. We have wifi and just downloaded the I phone app and works great pretty cool. We can use our I phone to call the USA through our majic jack. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Sometimes it sounds like you are underwater but it works pretty good most of the time......
When was the last time you stayed there? I know they've upgraded the internet within the last year or so and are getting ready to upgrade it again along with a whole new fiber optic TV system with a gazillion HD channels.
Its been too long :(
Feb of 2013 at Las Palmas