Audsley: Well said, but, my friends are professional businessmen who love nothing more than to have their dogs run a lion up a tree, and then stand there and and shoot it, no skill, no hunt, no effort, just fat out of shape men with nothing more to do than kill something. These hunters also use cameras, feeders, scents….. to lure their prey. I laughed out loud at them for buying multiple 50lb sacks of feed to lure the deer. Jesus, the bloodlust must be so strong they cannot think straight. Oh yeah, another favorite of theirs is to call "varmints" in and shoot the animal that appears-just to let it lie there. The story goes on & on. I grew up hunting all game in Arizona but have over the years stopped completely because I view it as needless killing. Hunting might have been necessary for human survival in prehistoric times, but today most hunters stalk and kill animals merely for the thrill of it, not out of necessity. Pure & simple, it is blood-entertainment.
I have become a huge trap & skeet fan, have a lot of fun with it, can outshoot any of the average hunters out there, use my guns often and do not have to participate in blood-lust entertainment.