Back from Q. Man reading this forum is interesting for sure.
I simply state that I had an uneventful 600 mile trip across the "danger zone" "oh my god , not the danger zone" yes the danger zone......I didn't die, none of my clients weren't injured either.......too bad for some of you huh?
Major crash on I-17 last week left several dead. They were innocent and did not deserve it but it happened. They were on the road and anything can happen. It often does.
In the last year I have had 16 uneventful trips across the "forbidden danger zone" (I wish I could overlay some scary music and maybe Michael Jackson thriller video) , we are so lucky to have made it out alive, I can hardly believe it. "sarc on"
More than 100RV's are heading our way in the next few weeks from Q. If they only listened to some advice on this forum they would not come, however they are coming anyway. First hand knowledge trumps media knowledge anyday.
Oh yeah I can predict the future too.......something bad will happen somewhere in the next few weeks........We live in a corrupt - dangerous world. To say you know stuff is is going to go bad and predict it is like falling out of a tree (you don't have to be smart or connected). What else is new. If you want to live in the negative - by all means grab another and enjoy the cesspool of negativity, I for one will live.....large sometimes and simple other times.
Cruising for whales tomorrow on what is sure to be an ill-fated voyage (some hope) I am optimistic that all will go well and we and our guest will have an awesome time!
Signed Señior Smug (my new adopted name)