Someone needs to contact this blog also for the information: dates, time, location, etc.
Rules... we don't need no stinkin rules... as Ted Nugent once sang "It's a Free For All" just joking... I've wanted to say that all my life and this was the perfect moment...Good Point. Mark, We need to figure out day(s), time(s), rules, prizes, etc. so we can get the word out. It sounds like we will have at least 4 trikes so it looks like a go. I'm busy for the next couple days but we could get together on Friday or Saturday if you're available.
The Beach Buzz write up was great:sunny:OK, now that I've stopped laughing at the mental image of this event, here is my contribution:
Beach Buzz: Trike Races in Rocky Point, I Kid You Not
Keep me posted on the final details and I'll be happy (as in grinning from ear to ear) to do my small part of promoting it.
You all might enjoy this YouTube of the 8th Annual Bring Your Own Big Wheel trike race down Lombard Street in San Francisco. I noticed some women participating in that event. How about women racing their trikes in RP? Think any of them would do it?
Yeah... I second what Kenny says...:roll:The Beach Buzz write up was great:sunny:
I'm sure that the bar can come with some prizes too. See ya Friday Mark.
thanks for the help Ladyjeeper...Wow, there were no tricycles at my mom's thrift store today. She's going again next Wed, so she will look again. You guys should hit some thrift stores and look. They will be cheap, like 5 bucks. I'll post up if I find any.