Ok , enought bickering already !!! We're gonna celebrate the first day of Winter, December 21, with a rumble !!! It's moved to the large empty lot off Calle 12, close to Guau guau to acomodate the expected large crowd of people who are disapointed about the Boomerfest failure and want to celebrate the new Homeport but particularly to , once and for all time to settle the HUT dispute. Saw Lagrimis yesterday and his lime green prom dress is at the cleaners. GV has backed out but offers his purse to any contender who thinks they are tough enough to manage it. The Dog will ride his Harley down, in full leather drag attire. Kenny will wear a modified fish scarin outfit with a leather bra added. Just to show it's an equal opportunity event Pinky and Lisa are invited !! It's a growing event, soon to be one of Penasco's finest what with the new Calle 13 !!
Got a pic of my new heels for the event but as usual can't load it.