Not that most of these posts have anything to do with the price of shrimp, but this might not be good for the price of shrimp/
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Shrimp trawlers looted in Mexico
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Posted: oct. 1, 2013 at 9:15 AM
MEXICO CITY, Mexico, in October. 1 (UPI) - In less than four days two shrimp boats in Sinaloa, northwestern Mexico, were stolen by armed men and robbed of more than three tons of product.
Dozens of shrimp boats are returning to the harbor to catch held ahead of schedule.
One of the robberies occurred on Friday at midnight and the opening minutes of Monday, it is the fifteenth Allende boat, and its crew was surprised by gunmen who even beat the master of the vessel, to commit the looting of the product and take it aboard small boats.
The first robbery was registered against Bikingo boat fleet Puerto Penasco, Sonora, surprised by the pirates Perihuete area, Icesave, northern Sinaloa and forced the crew to get out of the hold about 2 tons shrimp, mainly coffee.
In the second robbery, took about one ton 200 kilos of blue shrimp headless export because we could not carry more.
LATAM / Report / rcj