Helmet Law?


Russ here is what Rosy wrote about people like you that still pay"You are angry at those who resist to play the dirty little game that you are so much a part of. And you're so used to (used to, but not necessariloy good at) using reverse-psychology (feigning ignorance, acting like you have no money, etc.) that you're actually trying to use it on us by acting as though you're defending the ideals of Mexico. With deference to Joe's favorite avatar, you've shown your ass. You are selfish, disrespectful and not very bright. If anyone here wanted advice, why would we take it from you?


Lovin it in RP!
Russ here is what Rosy wrote about people like you that still pay"You are angry at those who resist to play the dirty little game that you are so much a part of. And you're so used to (used to, but not necessariloy good at) using reverse-psychology (feigning ignorance, acting like you have no money, etc.) that you're actually trying to use it on us by acting as though you're defending the ideals of Mexico. With deference to Joe's favorite avatar, you've shown your ass. You are selfish, disrespectful and not very bright. If anyone here wanted advice, why would we take it from you?
Read my post on what took place, I was willing to pay, I accepted the fault but I wanted to take care of it in a way that wouldn't make it illegal to drive the rest of the way to TJ. Sorry if you don't get it, I was not being smug, I was searching for a legal solution to the matter.


Just messing with you...More from Rosy "

I still say that the "custom" is the result of Americans being too quick to take the easiest way out of a situation by throwing dollars at it. The decision to pay or not pay when pulled over is a personal one, but one should always be aware that when you do that, you're assuring that the next gringo the cop sees will also represent an easy $20 bucks. This grows the problem and affects those of us who truly want to improve the system for everyone.
The art is playing like you might pay cash,might go to the station but trying to get off with a breakfast,a soda or a snack....I would have done the same thing...


Russ, I'm surprised you didn't know that parking on the wrong side of the road was a easy way to get a ticket because it's been that way since way before you moved there. Maybe they were just trying to recoup the replacement price of the Mayer's rear window in his suburban, after all


The only way to stop this nonsense is not paying on site. I too, thought this mordida crap was pretty much nipped in the bud. I guess not.
It's called "Casinos". These cops are either losing money at the casino and recouping their losses, or, they are pulling people over to get money to take to the casinos.

Gambling always breed corruption and from what I have heard, there are a lot of Penasco folk losing their tail, and their livelihoods in the Casinos.

Petty theft is on the increase as well.


Back in June of 96 a friend wouldn't take my advice and parked on the wrong side of the street to purchase some beer while I was sitting in the car. To make a short story short, we followed them to the station and it cost him $40.

Terry C

Same here Kenny, a few years ago a friend we were with and two other people parked on the wrong side of the road at the same time. It was a caravan to the station. One was even a quad.

AZ Miguel

Back to the helmet law with quads....... So if a gringo rents a quad and has a crash with a Mexican national doing damage to their rusted out POS will the gringo go to jail because of the insurance issue????

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Since we are on the topic of a quad, who pays for the damage caused by a quad? For example if I hit a vehicle on my quad, is it the responsibility of the owner of the quad to carry insurance? As a renter of the quad, I cannot purchase such a policy? So who is liable for this? We talk about the increase in the liability cap for Mexico (300k) with vehicles, yet I can see a death or major injury just as easily from riding a quad (you hit a pedestrian or another quad). Do these rental agencies have liability insurance? Is the renter using the quad at his own risk? If I do kill someone on my quad, is it best if I just run north of the border (considering I don't have that 300k liability policy on a rental quad or that I risk sitting in jail for not having legal liability as part of the policy?


I have a driver's license liability policy through Proalliance. It covers me while driving my pickup, or my quad. Should cover me while riding a rental quad as well. Right Rosie??


I don't think this is mordida in this case, it is a convenience fee. He stated 40 was a good deal not to go downtown so it was obviously a meeting of the minds. I once bought breakfast for a Federale and his wife so that I didn't have to retrieve my registration in San Luis 4 days after my trip......mordida or convenience?
Ha, you're a funny guy Russ.. A convenience fee. Hell yes it was "a meeting of the minds" and it's called a bribe any way you cut it. When you break the law and you put money in a cops hand to circumvent the law no matter who's mind met who's, it's a bribe.


I have a driver's license liability policy through Proalliance. It covers me while driving my pickup, or my quad. Should cover me while riding a rental quad as well. Right Rosie??
Though I need to renew mine, you'd be covered driving my Jeep too.


... When you break the law and you put money in a cops hand to circumvent the law no matter who's mind met who's, it's a bribe.
But did I break the law? My kids were wearing helmets but I never heard of a requirement for adults. Yes, the rental places have them but if you check, there are far more vehicles than head gear. The same day we were pulled over, I helped a local ATV rider (and his 3 small dogs) that were stranded on the side of the road out of gas. No helmet for him or his perros either.

I really think this was more of a shakedown - unless someone can confirm there is such a law.


But did I break the law? My kids were wearing helmets but I never heard of a requirement for adults. Yes, the rental places have them but if you check, there are far more vehicles than head gear. The same day we were pulled over, I helped a local ATV rider (and his 3 small dogs) that were stranded on the side of the road out of gas. No helmet for him or his perros either.

I really think this was more of a shakedown - unless someone can confirm there is such a law.
Who knows if you broke the law or not. Really doesnt matter, the cop wanted your money and he got it. Sh*t happens....every now & then you get screwed over. The law of averages says your good for awhile so enjoy!


El Pirata
Yes helmet law will be enforced, even penasco's best have to wear them

Article 187. tas drivers bicycles and motorcycles have the following if obl i gations:
  1. Respect traffic signals and indications of the agents;
  2. Move in the direction of the track;
  3. Bring on board only the number of persons for which there seat available;
  4. Wear a helmet, companions must also porting;
  5. Use a single lane;
  6. Passing only the left lane;
  7. In the case of motorcycles, circular at all times with the lights on, the bikes must have attachments reflective, and
T he bicycle riders must stay to the far right of the road on which transit and carefully passing parked vehicles.Cyclists who do not meet the obligations outlined, will be reprimanded verbally-oriented agents to behave in accordance with the applicable provisions.Violation of the ones i prohibic provided in this article by motorcyclists, is penalized based on the following table:
Punishment by a fine of
in the daily minimum wage
I, IV, V, VI, and VII
5 days
II and III
10 days
It was also sentenced to a fine equivalent to 10 days salary m í minimum the owner or lessor of the bicycle or motorcycle, provided it is shown that regulatory helmets gave the occupants of the bicycle or motorcycle.Article 188. was prohibited to be drivers of bicycles and motorcycles:
  1. Circular by carr i les interior central or primary routes and where so by pointing out the ace í v controlled access, except by notice published in the local media, the Security Directorate Public or Address Public Services determined times and days allowed in these via l ities;
  2. Circular between lanes;
  3. Circular two or more such vehicles in parallel within a single lane;
  4. Carrying a passenger in somewhere between the person driving and the handlebars of the motorcycle;
  5. In case of motorcycles carrying passengers under 12 years of age;
  6. Bind or attached to other vehicles in motion;
  7. To walk on the sidewalks and areas reserved for the exclusive use of pedestrians and
  8. You can not carry cargo to prevent keep both hands on the handlebars, and proper control of the vehicle or its necessary stability.
Cyclists who do not meet the obligations outlined, will be reprimanded verbally-oriented agents to behave in accordance with the applicable provisions.The breach of any of the prohibitions of motorcyclists, is punishable according to the following table:
Punishment by a fine of
in the daily minimum wage
5 days
10 days
20 days
Article 189. propulsion vehicles mechanics, authorized by the competent authority, may not be moved on the roads authorized and in compliance with technical standards published for this purpose.
Art í ass 190. No person may drive a vehicle on public roads, you have a lot of blood alcohol above 0.8 grams per liter, or alcohol in exhaled air greater than 0.4 milligrams per liter, or under the influence of narcotics .Operators of vehicles for passenger service, freight or transport of toxic or hazardous substances should not show any amount of alcohol in blood or expired air, or simple symptoms breath alcohol or being under the effects of narcotics.Violation of the prohibitions set forth in this Article, shall be punished as follows: with the penalty of fine equivalent to 50 days of minimum wage in the locality, same penalty will increase in 33-day minimum wage in the town, each time that the same driver or operator relapse or return to violate those provisions. In regards to this article, you can not apply the discount referred to in Article 200 of this regulation.If the offender does not reach the levels indicated above, but in fact shows no skills or be able to drive, shall be liable to half the penalty established in the previous paragraph, and arrest you.Article 191. All drivers who are found committing acts violating the provisions of this Regulation and show signs that conduct while intoxicated, will be presented to the Municipal Authority Qualifier judge or competent for the case of being the influence of alcohol or narcotics, are required to undergo testing for the detection of the degree of intoxication by local certifying physician.Article 192. Agents can stop the march of a vehicle when í ass through the Department establish and implement control progr love and preventive intake of alcohol or narcotics, for vehicle drivers í asses. These programs should be publicized in the media with the largest circulation in the locality.When agents have alcohol detection devices, narcotics, must proceed as follows:
  1. Drivers must be screened to detect the degree of intoxication;
  2. The agent must provide a copy of the receipt of the test results to the driver immediately to one, and the corresponding fine ballot;
  3. If the driver exceeds the allowed limit of blood alcohol should be referred to the Public Prosecutor competent and
  4. The agent must provide a copy of the receipt of the test results to the Public Ministry to which the driver is presented document that constitutes proof of the amount of alcohol or narcotics found and serves as the basis for the opinion of the Medical Examiner determined likely recovery time also must give immediate notice to the Secretariat í of Public Safety, to proceed with the cancellation of the license.
If present, the operator will be forwarded to the Department of Expert Services of the Procu radurí to General of the State of Sonora attached to this town, to the Ministry of Health of the State of Sonora attached to this municipality, or any other medical institution Officer, to determine the alcohol and / or substances referred, without pe rj uicio of sanctions coming from, to give immediate notice to the secretarial state to proceed with the suspension of the license.
Interesting read. I loved the part about not driving with kids under 12 in the front seat, broken windshields broken doors or no doors. All these laws are being broken as you read this. Loved the 40KPH speed limit on local roads. I bet I have been passed by Gringo Loco or his wife with them going 120KPH many times on the Las Polomas stretch of road. Man a Policia with a radar gun would clean up on that stretch of road Friday-Monday.


Since we are on the topic of a quad, who pays for the damage caused by a quad? For example if I hit a vehicle on my quad, is it the responsibility of the owner of the quad to carry insurance? As a renter of the quad, I cannot purchase such a policy? So who is liable for this? We talk about the increase in the liability cap for Mexico (300k) with vehicles, yet I can see a death or major injury just as easily from riding a quad (you hit a pedestrian or another quad). Do these rental agencies have liability insurance? Is the renter using the quad at his own risk? If I do kill someone on my quad, is it best if I just run north of the border (considering I don't have that 300k liability policy on a rental quad or that I risk sitting in jail for not having legal liability as part of the policy?
Lots of good points here. Made me re-think my insurance coverage. As indicated, I have a driver's license liability insurance policy through ProAlliance Insurance. I am covered in any vehicle, quad, etc. My daughters come down several times a year and I normally buy auto insurance for them just for their trip. Problem is they ride quads and wouldn't have any insurance if there was a problem. ProAlliance told me I could add add'l family members to my DL policy at time of purchase for something like $20 apiece. In hindsight, I should have added them. Last thing you need is your daughter thrown in jail in Mexico. I wonder if the DL policy would cover rental jet skis? My buddie's daughter and her friend rented skis last spring break. The friend crashed into another rental ski damaging both. The rental guy called the cops and she was thrown in jail until her dad came down the next day and paid for the damages, approx $2500. What a nightmare!