Paying Bills by Compujter in Rocky Point can you?


Junior Member
Hi.. can you pay your bills online in Rocky Point the way you do in the 'States? I do everything online here, and am quite used to using my computer.

Can you do the same thing in Rocky Poing? I keep searching the Forum and cannot find the info I need, not complete info. I am a small money person, a retiree, not a business owner.

Also.. it does not look like their internet is 1st world, at least not yet. Maybe that is a 'boon, because I tend to live on my computer.. do everything on my computer.


You can pay almost everthing at Oxxo !!! That will get you out of the house and off the computer.


If you set up an account with a local bank, you can probably pay most (all?) bills online through them.

For TelMex, you can use TelMex USA to set up an automatic bill payment (charged to your US credit card). You can also do it manually each month through their website.

City of Peñasco property taxes can be paid online, but I haven't tried that, yet.

Oomapas Water told me you couldn't pay online. Not sure if you can do it from a local bank account?

CFE - I think this is only available through a local bank account.

Hope that helps.


We have Telmex internet service and the connection speed is great; I run an online business and have no problems using it. Are you asking about paying US bills online in RP or local bills?


CFE has credit card payment online, but every time I have tried to use my Capital One Visa card it would not go through. Maybe only credit cards issued by Mexican banks?????

Terry C

You have to have your bank in the US approved the credit payment to CFE is my understanding. I never did follow up on it.

As far as I know the city has no way of paying taxes online. They stopped the mail in program last year. You once were able to email them for the amount and they would email you the amount back to pay by mail. The email addresses I had never did reply.


If you are trying to pay your bills that you have in the states with your computer while on the internet in Rockypoint the answer is YES it will work just fine. I do it regularly.
Paying Bills in RP

Hi.. can you pay your bills online in Rocky Point the way you do in the 'States? I do everything online here, and am quite used to using my computer.

Can you do the same thing in Rocky Poing? I keep searching the Forum and cannot find the info I need, not complete info. I am a small money person, a retiree, not a business owner.

Also.. it does not look like their internet is 1st world, at least not yet. Maybe that is a 'boon, because I tend to live on my computer.. do everything on my computer.

You can also set up CFE to pay online. It is very easy! You just need to keep track of due dates since bills are due every two months. CFE - Login

You can also pre-pay you CFE by putting money on your account when you are in Peñasco. How much to deposit onto your account would depend how long you plan on being gone.

You can set up on line payments for Telmex on line Telmex USA | Mexico En Linea

You need your Cust # off your bill
You need your phone #
You need your American phone # and a credit card

You can also set up an account at Bancomer, however, you must keep 3000 peso minimum in the account and they will pay your phone/internet with Telmex and your CFE bill at no charge. However 3000 pesos is a lot to have as a minimum balance. If you dip below that they will penalize you.

I hope that this is helpful. :razz:
Thanks for the info. The fees are expensive, if you don't keep the minimum balance at Bancomer they will drain what money you have in there quickly with under minimum balance fees. I watched $80-100 vanish in less than 4-6 months. I couldn't get down for a while and just watched my statements come every month with less and less. (this was 15 years ago)


Bancomer has banged me twice. First they said the minimum was 1000.00. I had difficultly learning how to access my account to watch the balance. When I finally got on most of my money was gone in fees. I went into the bank to inquire and was told the minimum fee is 3000. 3 months later they are draining my account again. I have not used it as I am afraid. Again went into the bank on monday on was told the minimum is 4000. I gave up and closed the account. Might try Ban Norte next.