Does anyone use their services and if so are you receiving statements from them as well are your bills being paid. I am having issues getting a hold of them as I have not been receiving my statements fromthem.
I wouldn't recommend them. We've been getting lots of complaints at our office about their service (actually lack thereof). When Patty was working I would send clients, but not anymore. The guy running it now is Patty's granddaughter's husband. My take on him was: rude, unprofessional and shifty-eyed.I used them for about 6 years and then sold my condo. Even though I cxld their service and asked for my money back they kept paying the bills even though they were in the new owner's name!!!!! Then they had the nerve to ask me to add more money to my account. I contacted them and they said they would get back to me. Yeah right!! 2 months later no response. I would not recommend them.
Shifty-eyed !!!! Might put up with the rest, but Shifty-Eyed is the end.and shifty-eyed.
Does anyone use their services and if so are you receiving statements from them as well are your bills being paid. I am having issues getting a hold of them as I have not been receiving my statements fromthem.
Oh, so Patty is sick. Anyone know who is running the bill paying business?Patricia Perez has not been well and is no longer taking care of the bill paying. I believe it is her grandchildren that are doing it now.
Mmmmm, that was my point !!! Annoying to some perhaps, but ya gotta read the entire thread to understand what's going on.Her grand daughter and Shifty eyed (GD) husband as was mentioned here multiple times earlier.