You have me all wrong Grand Poobah. I have been fishing all my life and have had a lot of skunked days and thats ok. What I ment about being cheated is when a captain says Yeah I know where they are and it will cost you xxxx. Then all we do is ride around in the boat all day long. 10 min here and 15 min there. I want an honest person to give it his best try and if we get one or 72 thats a bonus.
My partner and I fish 2-3 times a month and donate all our fish to the feed the poor ( and I can document this ) and we catch a lot of fish. I would just like an honest chance for a big one.
Thanks for the reply.
That's kind of the nature of grouper fishing -- moving around from reef-to-reef. Truth be known, about 90% of the groupers caught on my boat are caught on the 1st drop. I'll give a reef the old college try for three, maybe four drifts, and if nobody's home, we pull lines and head right on to the next one and repeat the same drill. Sometimes they're down there, sometimes they're not. I've got lots of good GPS coordinates that I've caught grouper on, but I'd never tell you I "know where they are." The better answer is "Let's go see if we can find one!"
That said, good luck in your quest! There are some big ones out there, but given how windy it's been; I haven't even been able to go chase them.