..maybe read a little Chomsy or Zinn to know your enemy....
You assume I haven't read Chomsky...?
Are you kidding?
The only place "passive anarchists" and "anarcho-capitalists" differ is in their view of personal possession.
You either believe in the personal right to possession, or you don't; and you either believe it is morally acceptable to defend your possession(s), or you don't.
Beyond that, you are left only with Marx/Engels versus Hitler/Goebbels, who were ALL capitalists- they simply believed that "organized" central ownership was somehow superior to personal ownership, and would yield greater benefits to society. The only reason such viewpoints fail under real scrutiny is that NO society can overcome or defeat self-determination, and no amount of social centralization can exist without the need to overcome or repress dissenting viewpoints; and dissent springs from self-determination... See how it forms the perfect circular reference?
The more "left-wing" the centrists "in charge" tend to be, the more "right wing" the masses will trend... and ditto the inverse.
Whether you call it "radical", or "rebellious" or "revolutionary" thinking, dissent is merely the expression of our cognition that tells us that things are probably not so "safe" in the herd as they may appear to be.
What is concerning is that today, dissent might just get the dissenter labeled with the uber-scary "terrorist" label, which the "centrists" have decided (amongst themselves) gives them license to suppress such dissent with the force of death.
I think I prefer to be seen as a "rebel" or an "anarchist", or even a "libertarian" to being seen as a "terrorist"; but I, like Chomsky, understand that NONE of these terms actually describe anything fundamentally different about me as a self-determined human being.
Chomsky is a genius- he understands that most humans are slaves to vocabulary, and because it is far simpler to serve this master than it is to free your mind and dwell in the realm of conceptual thinking, most humans prefer (and aggressively defend) their servitude.
I, however, simply enjoy a cold beer now and then.