I can't help but feel sorry for the Mexican people with regards to the arrest of the American mother on the bus that has made worldwide headlines. At the very, very best the Mexican police made an extremely poor decision to arrest this lady-or anyone for that matter just because a bundle of marijuana was taped under her seat. What molecule of evidence tied this lady to the marijuana? The police, prosecutors, judges & jailers should be taken out and horsewhipped before they are permanently fired for even considering that there was a case against this lady. I could tape contraband under the seats of several unattended busses and then retrieve the contraband at a preset time. Does that make everyone guilty who sits in the seat above my stash? This case is so ludicrous it is sad and truly illustrates the dangers of the Mexican penal system.
This incident is also a case history in how poorly trained the people are in the entire judicial system in Mexico. In Mexico you are truly guilty until proven innocent. Until Mexico radically changes there will be a drag on American tourism just because of miscarriages of justice like this.
I wonder how many innocent Mexicans are sitting in jail or prison on scanty or trumped up evidence brought forth by overzealous evidence gathering and prosecution like we have just witnessed?
This incident is also a case history in how poorly trained the people are in the entire judicial system in Mexico. In Mexico you are truly guilty until proven innocent. Until Mexico radically changes there will be a drag on American tourism just because of miscarriages of justice like this.
I wonder how many innocent Mexicans are sitting in jail or prison on scanty or trumped up evidence brought forth by overzealous evidence gathering and prosecution like we have just witnessed?