Why is it that children have to poke everything with a stick . . .
It's what boys do. And when they grow up, they still wanna poke everything, but with a different stick. Nevermind...
Yeah, back to kids - you
always poked it with a stick first to make sure it was
A) really dead
B) that it wouldn't bite/sting/spit/whatever at you. If it passed the poke test, you could capture it and
C) sometimes it was fun to poke it just because it would get really pissed off and that was funny!
Perfect example: I grew up in PA as a kid. In a bush down near the end of our long driveway, the hornets built a big ol' paper nest. So what would us kids do? Of course, poke it with a stick. After getting stung a few times, we decided it was safer to stand a little further back and throw rocks through it. The hornets would drop out of the bottom fast and furious and again, no matter how fast we ran, we still got stung occasionally. We'd throw the rocks right through the nest and by the next day, the hornets would have re-papered all the damage. It was truly a game for us, until one day, my father had enough of the hornet nonsense, took a can of gasoline and doused the nest, lit it and incinerated both the hornets AND the bush!!
Moral of the story? I learned early in life that if it can't be done in with a stick, or a rock, then KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!! :rofl: