
Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Just doesn't want to die, does it? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rofl::rofl::rofl::notme:

WJacob has 6 posts and they're all about this joke of a concert. Since Im the senate minority leader of this forum, I would like to take a vote on banning him for a couple of weeks. We ban Happy for bringing nothing to the table and this poster is no different. This poster has brought absolutely nothing relative or informative to this forum. I move to ban for a period of two weeks with a YES vote, all in favor say I

AZ Miguel

I have an idea, lets ban the top 10 posters they have thousands of posts here and the majority have little to do about anything but them. Their isn't any reason to post that much and it takes away from providing any useful information here. A person has to sift through mounds of crap to get worthwhile information. Thankfully they gave Kenny his own Rants forum to keep him out of public.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
No different than being in Phoenix...!
You may not want to google "boomerfest rocky point". the forum posts regarding this event are way up on the 1st page on google. not a good thing for an event organizer when all the info posted is negative regarding this event.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
That's why we have off-topic and rants and raves, Az Miguel. If you don't want to read them, you don't have to.......... And besides, who would run the forum if Stuart and I were gone....:aagh:


I have an idea, lets ban the top 10 posters they have thousands of posts here and the majority have little to do about anything but them. Their isn't any reason to post that much and it takes away from providing any useful information here. A person has to sift through mounds of crap to get worthwhile information. Thankfully they gave Kenny his own Rants forum to keep him out of public.
Things are better without the non Mexican politics...OK Mr. bigshot ,lay something helpful on us (for the first time)!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Sigh......Az Miguel, this is America and we just don't go around banning people for too many posts. We do ban, however, for hateful content.... As I said before, if you don't want to read them, then stay out of off topic and rants and raves. How hard is that to understand? And, we are still waiting for something helpful from you....:aagh:
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Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I have an idea, lets ban the top 10 posters they have thousands of posts here and the majority have little to do about anything but them. Their isn't any reason to post that much and it takes away from providing any useful information here. A person has to sift through mounds of crap to get worthwhile information. Thankfully they gave Kenny his own Rants forum to keep him out of public.

AZ MIGUEL WHO? You know who the worst offenders are? The AZ MIGUEL types who CREEP on the forum from afar and never contribute anything useful. Why even bring Kenny into this? He hasn't said one word. The only thing I can ever recall MIGGY saying on this forum was that he needed the COCK FIGHTING SCHEDULE AT MANNY'S.

GV Jack

Snorin God
Oh Lord, I'm going to hate myself in the morning for doing this.

AZ M, Jerry doesn't need anyone to stand up for him but I'll throw in my two cents anyway.
First, what a wonderful country where one can express his opinions without being done in. Hopefully, but unfortunately, those who would silence reasonable dissent
did not disappear with the Third Riech. Now Jerry and my political views couldn't be more diametrically opposed, but that being said, I respect his right
to espouse whatever his feelings are on the subject. Fortunately we have the R & R Section to handle that. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Since 2008 Jerry has averaged 14 posts per week. The majority of these were regarding Puerto Penasco, Sonora and environs, current events, history and
geographical information. I doubt I would still be going to Rocky Point if I hadn't come accross this site and the great information therein and he has contributed
to that greatly.

Next week I will be making a post in Off Topic that will not be germane to RP, Mexico or the USA. It is a story of my family, pain and triumph and a dreaded disease.
In that it's about me and mine you probably might not want to read it, but on the other hand if you do, it might just inspire you to possibly save your life.

OK Roberto, get those cards out again I think I just had a spell.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yeah Jack, that's what I thought about posting my bout with H Pylori. One person on this forum has already private messaged me that he thinks he has this. I told him what to ask the doctor, the tests he needed, the pill regimen and what to expect. Other people might recognize these symptoms in themselves and go get treated. I let them know what they were in for. Untreated H Pylori causes stomach ulcers!!!!! Nobody wants that! If I helped one person get well, I don't care what others think....