It's all about perspective. The persistent (god bless 'em) voices of reason like brave Rosie in the dark of all the infuriating ignorance and bad premise are often accused of being "Rah-rah" toadies by people who just don't get it, but think they do and assume the position of "your not gonna fool this American - I know better." Ugh.
Of course this woman is more than capable of speaking for herself - I just stepped up to offer some support and not let her twist in the wind out there. If someone like X-Costie wants to get cheeky and try to rough her up, he might get a punch in the teeth (figuratively....simmer down...). No senior members need to reprimand me, X-Costie doesn't need to suddenly break out the Rodney King stuff. Grow a pair.
She just deserved some back-up - more power to her dedication. Battling tides of chaos and hysteria is exhausting stuff.
Rosie is committed to getting people to stop and think - to draw their glazed eyes away from the side-show "holy sh*t!" version devoid of context that the media keeps wailing about and sheeples keep believing.
The grand irony in every incident that has occured in Puerto Penasco is that they stand out.....precisely BECAUSE of the LACK of violence and crime that exists there. Any rudimentary examination of the tiny bit of violent crime per capita there as compared to almost any other American town, metro area, world vacation destination clearly reveals PP as overwhelminglhy safe.
I'm not going to repeat examples that both Rosie and I have given already (read: Scottsadle drive-bys April 2008 for one).
I have never specifically accused Rosy of being part of the "rah-rah crowd"....I agree with many of her posts....but not necessarily all. There have been posts by some that are "rah-rah"....and having been around enough years (I'm getting into the "old fart" cracks, Kenny)....i tend to look at people's motives in what they do or say. And I'm sure that there are some that are motivated by their real estate or other business interest in Penasco. I
could be motivated by my desire to see Penasco like it was 10 years ago, or 25 years ago (or like Kenny, 50 years ago), and go with "chicken little", "the sky is falling" crowd to continue to scare off any visitors. But I won't....I have enough local friends and acquaintances that are hurting severely due to the lack of visitors!
As to a blanket statement on crime....yes, I would agree that Penasco has not seen the type of violent crime that we may have in the states, but it has seen an increase in crime in general....I can't give you statistics....but 25 or 10 years ago, you didn't have the number of breakins and thefts that you see today. You didn't see the local kids on the Mirador on Sat./Sun. nights with roving bands of young "toughs" picking fights with someone, and then all trying to beat the s$%t out of that sorry individual who was stupid enough to react to their taunts, etc. I have spent many a night "closing" one of the bars along the Mirador, and saw that happening the last couple of years several times a night. I've had to escort a couple of American girls to their vehicle several blocks down, sneaking them out thru the kitchen of the bar, because one of them was almost falling down drunk, and were easy pickings for these roving groups of teenagers, or the groups of vultures in the bar....taxis were not available, since the street was closed off to traffic.
So please, don't preach to me or anyone else, that there is a "lack of violence or crime"! As I've stated several times in a couple of threads, go looking for trouble, you'll find it....anywhere in the world. Be aware of what is happening in any place that you are visiting, and you can usually avoid it! I was raised in New York City.....and was never attacked, mugged, or robbed. I used to travel the subways to the Bowery (my high school was located in the general area) and also thru Harlem to college (I was a "whitey" sitting in a subway car all by myself when groups of blacks going home from high school would get on).....even spent time at night in the Times Square area....
Be aware and avoid trouble! Part of being aware is having all the information on what may be happening in Penasco! Both sides.....the "rah-rah" and "chicken little"!!!!