More killing in Rocky Point???

I'm staying in the water...

:boat: I'm stayin in the water... it's safer... hell... I can even wear Yum Yum Yellow fins and not need to worry, because I know sharks don't eat shit... :fish:


Hi Kenny, have I told you that I'm impressed by your attention to detail?
Then why didn't I notice it was a red light rather than a blue light coming out of my navel? I never would have noticed it at all, if it wasn't for that Shaman, Roberto.


P.S. No, I'm not fearful about going to PP, or Santo Tomas. Going to Phoenix? Well just a little, but don't tell anyone, OK?
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RP is not much more dangerous now than it ever has been. There is a lot more reporting of incidents now than ever before and yes, we all need to be more careful in certain places. The fact is, we are in a recession, and that, along w/passports is the reason that PP is a ghost town right now. No money, no tourism...
RP is not much more dangerous now than it ever has been. There is a lot more reporting of incidents now than ever before and yes, we all need to be more careful in certain places. The fact is, we are in a recession, and that, along w/passports is the reason that PP is a ghost town right now. No money, no tourism...
The poor handling of the swine flu didn't help either, or the non response in Penasco to the publicity of violence in some of the mexican border towns.....

I still intend on coming down...but as I stated earlier, I'm not going to take the opposite approach from the "hysteria" crowd....where everything is "rosy"...(sorry about that, Rosy):roll::D.....and you can throw all the statistics at me that you want. There is an old saying....."figures don't lie....liars figure"....statistics can be made to say anything someone wants.

Can anyone tell what parts of town to avoid to eliminate or lessen the risk of being involved in a gang shootout? I don't think so.... I know which areas of Phoenix to avoid to lessen the risk of getting shot to an acceptable level! And if I have to go to the "dangerous" areas, like I did many years ago when I had temporary insanity and drove a taxi for a while, I can carry a weapon....something that will get you thrown into jail in Mexico!
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Ghost town. Now does that make you feel better Rosie? The spelling was not lost in translation. What seems to be lost is the reality of the situation. I am always amazed with people that think a misselled word lessens the meaning of the point. Somehow the person pointing out the correction feels a false superiority over the point that is attemted to be made. I would make the observation that by your frantic postings your buesniess interest in RP are in trouble. For that I am truely sorry. I do no wish either harm or illwill on anyone. To make disrespectful comments to people with legitimate concens is very condesending. I hope that I have not misselled anyting. I would hate to be scolded again when I was just expressing any opion. If so, I am sorry that I can not live up to your spelling standards. 1. ghost 2. ghost 3. ghost 4. ghost 5. ghost 6. ghost 7. ghost 8. ghost 9. ghost 10. ghost. Now can we be friends?
1. The meaning of your post was not lost, as was evidenced in my addressing your other "points" after pointing out your sloppy spelling. So sue me if I prefer a well-thought out and intelligent dialogue (I'll use RP Joe as an example here because he and I agree on some things and not on others, but his posts are always well-written, respectful and intelligent) over your wide and sloppy approach.
2. I don't know you, so have no reason to feel superior. I do know that if what we see of each other here is our writing, then as a courtesy, if you can't be smart or witty, try shooting for far you are none of the above.
3. "Frantic postings?" Get out of here. Frequent and many does not equal frantic. And my business (note spelling) interests are plugging along just fine. I would make more money if I went out and knocked on doors to sell insurance or ads in the newspaper, but thankfully haven't had to do that. I don't have a lot of time and like my life at it's current pace (although I did come up with another idea for a new business I think would be a hit). Your snide comments aside, my business is growing and I had a five year plan to begin with, so...(buzzer sound) WRONG!
4. Disrespect is one thing and condescension is another. I respect the opinions of those who make them intelligently, wittily, or hilariously (not necessarily all at once. When it happens, I bow in Kenny...he hits this mark from time to time). This post is purposefully condescending, but only because I want you to learn the difference.
5. With your last remark you proved yourself as unfunny as you are tedious. It is you who have tried to make my post about spelling. Fortunately for us all, most of the others here are pretty sharp, too.

I have no doubt you'll give it another go...your type always does.



I felt a lot better after reading your opinion of what happened!

"And when the shooters went to the clinic, they hurt absolutely no one besides their intended target. Not even the police officers were threatened or attacked. Everyone was made to get on the floor, they finished their task and moved on."

I'll bet he doctors, nurses and cops inside the clinic had all of their fears relieved when they were told to "get on the floor." I am sure none of them were thinking, "oh crap, are they gonna shoot us witnesses next???"

I just got finished telling my wife and four young children to be sure to "lay on the ground" if four hooded bandits armed with Ak47's ever come into their room while in Rocky Point. This should put them at ease knowing once they "lay down" they will be okay!

Only one problem however....if four hooded bandits armed with Ak47's come into my room and tell me to "lay down" I will be screwed as I will be laying on about a weeks of undigested tacos and Tecate beer that just flew outa my a$$. With the amount of tacos I eat, I will still be 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Do you think I will still be safe since I made an honest effort to "lay down?"

NEWS BULLETIN FROM THE FRONT PAGE OF THE AZ REPUBLIC TODAY: "More vicious maching gun executions in Rocky Point. Just lay down on the ground to survive." Heck, with this in the news, I expect the gates are gonna be flooded again to get to Rocky Point!

Hey wait a minute....don't killers usually execute all available witnesses? Maybe laying them on the ground will allow them to execute them without any type of resistance! I ain't laying down for anyone....except the Black Widow of course...and even then I am only laying on my back. No butt up for me with that lady!

Oh brother!!!!!!!!
Azbeachboy is that a photo of Rosie? Never meet her. She is nicer looking than I had immanaged. My playground is her means of income. Yet she mocks those of us that enjoy RP as a "playground" yet profits off us buy selling insurance. I am a capatilist and all for making profits. I am oppossed to irrational, condisending folks that have no sense of humor. She needs to take a deep breath and go the beach. In fact I would say by the way these posts are going that we all do. Again I hope that my spelling is up to snuff. If not, I am just a public school guy.
There I go again with the misspelling of by and condesending. Damn those public schools. I guess that is not humorous to you but you gotta love the photo comment.
Damn your hot!
Azbeachboy is that a photo of Rosie? Never meet her. She is nicer looking than I had immanaged. My playground is her means of income. Yet she mocks those of us that enjoy RP as a "playground" yet profits off us buy selling insurance. I am a capatilist and all for making profits. I am oppossed to irrational, condisending folks that have no sense of humor. She needs to take a deep breath and go the beach. In fact I would say by the way these posts are going that we all do. Again I hope that my spelling is up to snuff. If not, I am just a public school guy.
Ha! You suggest I go relax and then you keep rattling my cage. You've just proved that I do indeed know your type. I didn't mock anyone but you. I have criticized no one but you. You're like the geeky kid in grammar school who will act a fool until the pretty, popular girl tells him to drop dead, then he's happy. Consider yourself told.


Ok everybody. Sit crosslegged on the floor, touch your index finger to thumb on each hand and repeat after me OOOOOHHHHMMMM 100 times. You will feel better!


Lovin it in RP!
I've been here a while now Full-time 3 years and visiting a total of 26 years. So I guess to some I am a fool to live in Penasco with its over the top crime rate (LOL) with my lovely wife and my 16 year old son. To those that feel this way I have to ask, where in the world are you going to have paradise today? (only in your head thats where)

Its kind of like the weather, it's hot in Tucson, its hot in Phoenix, its even hot in Vegas, well its kinda of hot here too, but I would still rather live near the ocean and be hot, than in a city.

So if you like living in a city where its hot thats ok with me just dont trash where I live. When its hot some stay indoors in the AC, I like to jump in the ocean.

Back to the crime, there's crime in Phx, theres crime in Tucson, heck theres even a little in Vegas and yes we have some here. No problem I would still rather live here knowing what I know than in the states. Go in to the AC its the same as not going and looking for heat in the drug trade or other neferious activities. I have never been remotely nervous about being here exept for those darn taxi drivers in traffic (ha ha). Then again I am not looking for trouble and I don't go out to the "bad" parts of town after 10:00 at night. Thats all I have to say about that, have a nice day and keep your senses - the world even yours is not perfect! By the way the weather this morning is darn near perfect for August NO HEAT AT ALL!
__________________**Posted in another thread as well**


Piss off X-Costie. Rosie gave you more regard than you deserve by trying to engage you in inteligent debate. She has an earnest message: GET SOME PERSPECTIVE.
Everything she is writing is striving to make that point.

But it's lost on you like trying to explain the concept of evolution to someone who believes Adam & Eve were a real dating couple; you reject her point because it's lost in your prejudice.

Perspective ---- that's the point, Glombus.

Rosie: you keep on keepin' on girl - some of us are listening. It's not all for naught.


I would reiterate that it is possible to disagree without being disagreable. Argumentum ad hominem although expediente is still a cheap shot by any other name and tends to put a damper on open exchange of ideas. I do agree however that Rosy deserves better treatment, not to say that she can't fend for herself. Let's keep the forum humorous but civilized.
Jim McG,
You're right. Of course I can fend for myself. And while in my own mind I always think I deserve thus-and-such, doesn't mean I expect the world to agree.

Where the heck have you been? I was about to go out looking for you. You are hereby awarded the Gallant Guy of the Week Award. Good to see you.